June 20, 2013
Death to Polluters: China’s New Threat

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<a href="http://ads.environmentalleader.com/www/delivery/ck.php?oaparams=2__bannerid=1915__zoneid=22__sourc e=%5B28%5D%5B27951%5D%5B50%5D%5B6886%5D%5B85%5D__c b=b92ff05dc2__oadest=http%3A%2F%2Fbs.serving-sys.com%2FBurstingPipe%2FadServer.bs%3Fcn%3Dbrd%26 FlightID%3D6060167%26Page%3D%26PluID%3D0%26Pos%3D5 495http%3A%2F%2Fbs.serving-sys.com%2FBurstingPipe%2FadServer.bs%3Fcn%3Dbrd%26 FlightID%3D6060167%26Page%3D%26PluID%3D0%26Pos%3D5 495" target="_blank">< img src="http://bs.serving-sys.com/BurstingPipe/adServer.bs?cn=bsr&FlightID=6060167&Page=&PluID=0& Pos=5495" border=0 width=160 height=600></a>
China has given its courts the power to hand down the death penalty in pollution cases. Should US companies be worried?
On the one hand, China applies the death penalty with alacrity. Human rights groups say it executes more than all other countries combined – including for economic crimes such as corruption, Reuters reports.
On the other hand, officials haven’t said whether the new judicial interpretation, handed down yesterday, would apply to foreign companies. Surely that’s not a card China wants to play, as it seeks to prevent trade war….
Death to Polluters: China’s New Threat

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Chinese Polluters Relocate To Avoid Environmental Scrutiny
Environmental Satisfaction in China’s Largest Cities
China’s Projected Smart Grid Equipment and Technology Market, 2010-2015
<a href="http://ads.environmentalleader.com/www/delivery/ck.php?oaparams=2__bannerid=1915__zoneid=22__sourc e=%5B28%5D%5B27951%5D%5B50%5D%5B6886%5D%5B85%5D__c b=b92ff05dc2__oadest=http%3A%2F%2Fbs.serving-sys.com%2FBurstingPipe%2FadServer.bs%3Fcn%3Dbrd%26 FlightID%3D6060167%26Page%3D%26PluID%3D0%26Pos%3D5 495http%3A%2F%2Fbs.serving-sys.com%2FBurstingPipe%2FadServer.bs%3Fcn%3Dbrd%26 FlightID%3D6060167%26Page%3D%26PluID%3D0%26Pos%3D5 495" target="_blank">< img src="http://bs.serving-sys.com/BurstingPipe/adServer.bs?cn=bsr&FlightID=6060167&Page=&PluID=0& Pos=5495" border=0 width=160 height=600></a>
China has given its courts the power to hand down the death penalty in pollution cases. Should US companies be worried?
On the one hand, China applies the death penalty with alacrity. Human rights groups say it executes more than all other countries combined – including for economic crimes such as corruption, Reuters reports.
On the other hand, officials haven’t said whether the new judicial interpretation, handed down yesterday, would apply to foreign companies. Surely that’s not a card China wants to play, as it seeks to prevent trade war….