LETTER OF THE DAY - Stop Lying To Us!
Published: Saturday | June 15, 20133 Comments

, but what has caught my attention is the response of the finance minister and the leaders of the central bank.[/color]
For these persons to say there is no cause for panic is nothing short of a blatant lie. The US dollar influences the cost of everything in our country, from the cost of electricity and manufacturing to consumers spending power. It will have an adverse impact on the cost of living and the ability of Jamaicans[ to provide for their families.[/color]
It is a classic case of déjâ vu because, in 2008 when the American economy was in recession, the then minister of finance, Audley Shaw, reassured us that it would provide opportunities[] for Jamaica and would have little or no impact on Jamaicas growth forecast. It was this same minister who had to face the country, telling us to tighten our belts when the recession reality began to hit the economy.[/color]
It seems to me that every one of them whom we have entrusted with the responsibility of leadership is in the same [choir[, singing from the same hymn sheet, because the same medicine prescribed in 2008 is the same one that the finance minister and central bank representatives are trying to force-feed us with today.[/color]
Wake up and smell the coffee! I am no economist, but it does not take much to see that we are headed for trouble. The bourgeoisie are not feeling the pinch as much as the proletariat, so they have no clue of the stark realities that face us daily. People are suffering and are in dire straits because they simply cannot afford very basic amenities.
The International Monetary Fund agreement was supposed to be some sort of remedy to stabilise the economy, but we have not felt any relief. Then again, we have been borrowing and have no means of repaying.
Let us not be blindsided and fooled by these people into believing that we are going to be all right. We can choose to ignore the problem, but it will not go away.
If you want to console us, start with production; stop importing goods that we can produce; invest in us and stop depending on others to solve our problems.
Stop lying to us; just tell us the truth for once. We do not need false hope.
For these persons to say there is no cause for panic is nothing short of a blatant lie. The US dollar influences the cost of everything in our country, from the cost of electricity and manufacturing to consumers spending power. It will have an adverse impact on the cost of living and the ability of Jamaicans[ to provide for their families.[/color]
It is a classic case of déjâ vu because, in 2008 when the American economy was in recession, the then minister of finance, Audley Shaw, reassured us that it would provide opportunities[] for Jamaica and would have little or no impact on Jamaicas growth forecast. It was this same minister who had to face the country, telling us to tighten our belts when the recession reality began to hit the economy.[/color]
It seems to me that every one of them whom we have entrusted with the responsibility of leadership is in the same [choir[, singing from the same hymn sheet, because the same medicine prescribed in 2008 is the same one that the finance minister and central bank representatives are trying to force-feed us with today.[/color]
Wake up and smell the coffee! I am no economist, but it does not take much to see that we are headed for trouble. The bourgeoisie are not feeling the pinch as much as the proletariat, so they have no clue of the stark realities that face us daily. People are suffering and are in dire straits because they simply cannot afford very basic amenities.
The International Monetary Fund agreement was supposed to be some sort of remedy to stabilise the economy, but we have not felt any relief. Then again, we have been borrowing and have no means of repaying.
Let us not be blindsided and fooled by these people into believing that we are going to be all right. We can choose to ignore the problem, but it will not go away.
If you want to console us, start with production; stop importing goods that we can produce; invest in us and stop depending on others to solve our problems.
Stop lying to us; just tell us the truth for once. We do not need false hope.