Shelly-Ann launches Pocket Rocket Foundation
Tuesday, May 21, 2013

THE Shelly-Ann Fraser-Pryce Pocket Rocket Foundation was officially launched last week at a ceremony at the Terra Nova All Suite Hotel in Kingston, Jamaica.
The foundation, founded and chaired by Olympic and World Champion athletics superstar Shelly-Ann Fraser-Pryce, is focused on the development of promising young athletes in secondary schools by providing scholarships to cover their academic costs.
Board of Pocket Rocket Foundation (from left) Donovan Walker, Raphael Walker, Jason Pryce (husband), Shelly-Ann Fraser-Pryce, Paula Pinnock-MacLeod, Colleen Montague, Jeffrey Gordon, and Bruce James.

"Our work at the foundation is about making sure our future athletes have the same and even better opportunities than I had," the chairman said.
Bruce James, president of the MVP Track and Field Club, who also serves as the foundation's president, noted that "the foundation is pleased to offer scholarships to secondary school athletes that are eligible and meet the published criterion for the scholarships".
James further remarked, "...we are not focused on the particular sport you play, we are focused on the athlete as an individual. So all students, regardless of their sport pursuit, can apply to the Foundation for an academic scholarship."
Those who have followed Shelly-Ann's meteoric rise to fame know that her exploits on the field would not be possible without the generous support of donors overseas and locally.
"I got the support I needed, and it made the difference. I wouldn't be who and where I am today without it, and the scholarships we offer here are investments in the development of sports in Jamaica," Fraser-Pryce said. She also commented that she was pleased to have the support of all her athletics sponsors on her new venture.
The foundation also announced that it will partner with ISSA to host two PR seminars annually for student athletes representing their schools locally and internationally.
In addition to the chairperson and president, the foundation has five other board members -- Donovan Walker, Jeffrey Gordon, Colleen Montague, Raphael Walker and Paula Pinnock-MacLeod.
For further details on the criterion for receiving scholarships and to download an application form, please visit the foundation's website at
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Tuesday, May 21, 2013

THE Shelly-Ann Fraser-Pryce Pocket Rocket Foundation was officially launched last week at a ceremony at the Terra Nova All Suite Hotel in Kingston, Jamaica.
The foundation, founded and chaired by Olympic and World Champion athletics superstar Shelly-Ann Fraser-Pryce, is focused on the development of promising young athletes in secondary schools by providing scholarships to cover their academic costs.

"Our work at the foundation is about making sure our future athletes have the same and even better opportunities than I had," the chairman said.
Bruce James, president of the MVP Track and Field Club, who also serves as the foundation's president, noted that "the foundation is pleased to offer scholarships to secondary school athletes that are eligible and meet the published criterion for the scholarships".
James further remarked, "...we are not focused on the particular sport you play, we are focused on the athlete as an individual. So all students, regardless of their sport pursuit, can apply to the Foundation for an academic scholarship."
Those who have followed Shelly-Ann's meteoric rise to fame know that her exploits on the field would not be possible without the generous support of donors overseas and locally.
"I got the support I needed, and it made the difference. I wouldn't be who and where I am today without it, and the scholarships we offer here are investments in the development of sports in Jamaica," Fraser-Pryce said. She also commented that she was pleased to have the support of all her athletics sponsors on her new venture.
The foundation also announced that it will partner with ISSA to host two PR seminars annually for student athletes representing their schools locally and internationally.
In addition to the chairperson and president, the foundation has five other board members -- Donovan Walker, Jeffrey Gordon, Colleen Montague, Raphael Walker and Paula Pinnock-MacLeod.
For further details on the criterion for receiving scholarships and to download an application form, please visit the foundation's website at
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