Stanley Redwood COWARD OR HERO?
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Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Yes, he is a coward, he is supposed to set an example... running away because times are hard, sends the wrong message. Whatever happened to patriotism?
Former Senate president, Rev Stanley Redwood..

Leave Rev Redwood alone. I believe these politicians in Parliament are just bad mind and jealous. If they had a chance, they would be the first one sipping champagne in first class, migrating abroad. If the prime minister had the opportunity, she too would be gone. Jamaicans don't have faith in Jamaica and that's the truth.
I would leave too, mek dem gwaan fool dem self. Mi fi stay here and suffer and better out there?
@David Tyler: Many renounced their citizenship held in other countries last time around. That is patriotism. Redwood sought residence abroad and is now jetting off. I have said it many times before, many who are now in the Diaspora are more commited to Jamaica than those who currently live in Jamaica.
I agree; he's a coward.
Come on G2K, are you saying if one gets into politics they no longer have the right to make personal decisions? The man has a private life and family which come before politics.Wake up!
I am very disappointed that he would abandon ship before his tenure is up. I can't call the man a coward, but I think if you take a job you need to show the commitment to finish it, especially if it takes on a national importance. However, I have no idea about his personal situation, and why he saw it fit to leave at this time.
I wouldn't say he is a coward, but rather a self-centred man. Nothing wrong with moving to another country, but not while you are elected by the people to do a job for them. Wait until he experiences his first Canadian winter. I don't think he is used to freezing weather and snow.
Run Redwood Run... I'll be following suit shortly. Just acquiring enough funds to make it happen. It's not a crime, it's just another brain drain... it doesn't make sense to live on false hope for the rest of our lives.
Y'all are just jealous of the guy. How many of you will get that opportunity to migrate and choose to stay in Jamaica?
Terrelonge said the resignation "has killed the spirits of many Jamaicans". Oh bwoy.
Dear G2K, Stanley's decision to migrate to Canada is lesser of cowardice than it is of an indictment on the PNP where it has led/is leading Jamaica. For this is a man that is from deep into the bowels of the PNP; who is most likely privy to the darkest secret of the inner workings of that party; a man who it appears that has finally looked around and decided that what he hears and sees is not going to make his children achieve their talent.
Tom Stroke, I agree with you, if we look at the bigger picture this man ran cuz he has no faith in the current leadership and he sees no future for him in Ja.
It may look like a coward move, but I bet most of you would have done it.
Is this gentleman a free moral agent or is he a prisoner of 'Jamaica'? His birth certificate or any other document did not state that he could not reside anywhere he chose. If Canada or any other country accepts him, that is ok. Did you stop to see how many have left the golden shores of their birth for other countries? Are they also cowards? I think you are basically JEALOUS of the man or you just needed something to flap your mouth about.
Why wouldn't he run? Not everyone wants to stay in Jamaica, no matter how much they love it. There is just not enough spoils to go around anymore. At the end of the day patriotism won't feed you or pay the bills. A lot of government ministers don't migrate, but as soon as they have a headache, they fly to Florida for treatment, they shop abroad, they sometimes send their children abroad to school. That is just as bad because it indicates that they don't consider things in Jamaica to be good enough for them. So let the man go to greener pastures, or in this case, colder climates. It's his right!
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Talk Back
Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Yes, he is a coward, he is supposed to set an example... running away because times are hard, sends the wrong message. Whatever happened to patriotism?

Leave Rev Redwood alone. I believe these politicians in Parliament are just bad mind and jealous. If they had a chance, they would be the first one sipping champagne in first class, migrating abroad. If the prime minister had the opportunity, she too would be gone. Jamaicans don't have faith in Jamaica and that's the truth.
I would leave too, mek dem gwaan fool dem self. Mi fi stay here and suffer and better out there?
@David Tyler: Many renounced their citizenship held in other countries last time around. That is patriotism. Redwood sought residence abroad and is now jetting off. I have said it many times before, many who are now in the Diaspora are more commited to Jamaica than those who currently live in Jamaica.
I agree; he's a coward.
Come on G2K, are you saying if one gets into politics they no longer have the right to make personal decisions? The man has a private life and family which come before politics.Wake up!
I am very disappointed that he would abandon ship before his tenure is up. I can't call the man a coward, but I think if you take a job you need to show the commitment to finish it, especially if it takes on a national importance. However, I have no idea about his personal situation, and why he saw it fit to leave at this time.
I wouldn't say he is a coward, but rather a self-centred man. Nothing wrong with moving to another country, but not while you are elected by the people to do a job for them. Wait until he experiences his first Canadian winter. I don't think he is used to freezing weather and snow.
Run Redwood Run... I'll be following suit shortly. Just acquiring enough funds to make it happen. It's not a crime, it's just another brain drain... it doesn't make sense to live on false hope for the rest of our lives.
Y'all are just jealous of the guy. How many of you will get that opportunity to migrate and choose to stay in Jamaica?
Terrelonge said the resignation "has killed the spirits of many Jamaicans". Oh bwoy.
Dear G2K, Stanley's decision to migrate to Canada is lesser of cowardice than it is of an indictment on the PNP where it has led/is leading Jamaica. For this is a man that is from deep into the bowels of the PNP; who is most likely privy to the darkest secret of the inner workings of that party; a man who it appears that has finally looked around and decided that what he hears and sees is not going to make his children achieve their talent.
Tom Stroke, I agree with you, if we look at the bigger picture this man ran cuz he has no faith in the current leadership and he sees no future for him in Ja.
It may look like a coward move, but I bet most of you would have done it.
Is this gentleman a free moral agent or is he a prisoner of 'Jamaica'? His birth certificate or any other document did not state that he could not reside anywhere he chose. If Canada or any other country accepts him, that is ok. Did you stop to see how many have left the golden shores of their birth for other countries? Are they also cowards? I think you are basically JEALOUS of the man or you just needed something to flap your mouth about.
Why wouldn't he run? Not everyone wants to stay in Jamaica, no matter how much they love it. There is just not enough spoils to go around anymore. At the end of the day patriotism won't feed you or pay the bills. A lot of government ministers don't migrate, but as soon as they have a headache, they fly to Florida for treatment, they shop abroad, they sometimes send their children abroad to school. That is just as bad because it indicates that they don't consider things in Jamaica to be good enough for them. So let the man go to greener pastures, or in this case, colder climates. It's his right!
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