Originally posted by Don1
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How can you say:
he has a valid point about over-emphasis on sport in the society.
misses the mark regarding the core problems in secondary education. Clearly those problems have little to do with sport...but reflect a lack of investment
Valid? ...but misses the point?
Is there an over-emphasis on sports?
If so, why do you say that?
...and you know my stance is, there is no over-emphasis on sports...but rather not enough emphasis on the academic disciplines. I think both sides - sports & academics - need more emphasis/input/focus on attaining excellence!
Are sports achievements more pronounced than that of academic achievements?
Have not the stats but it appears to me that in both areas there are tremendous possibilities/untapped potential for improved upwards development and results.
Just saying - FORWARD! ...not a pulling down of/in one area or a number of areas to encourage or actually improve other(s)!!!
Just saying - FORWARD!


His one-tracked focus on sport and lack of data (or even his lack of a call for data-driven research) on the overall problem is a very quixotic approach to a complex problem for a supposed scientist

I am beginning to believe his agenda is not pure... as Willi has been sayin'
