Seems rather...commonplace. I see a lot of stroke victims walking where I used to live.
The other thing is, stroke affects victims differently so how can you make a definitive argument that walking was what really brought about the improvement?!?
One of the greatest fixer-upper for most ailments is excercise; walking for prolonged period being the easiest and most simple.
Have to give the research some credence, since it was published in
Full Text Brief Report: Effect of Aerobic Exercise (Walking) Training on Functional Status and Health-related Quality of Life in Chronic Stroke Survivors: A Randomized Controlled Trial
Carron D. Gordon,
Rainford Wilks,
and Affette McCaw-Binns
Stroke. 2013;44:1179-1181, published online before print March 7 2013,
The only time TRUTH will hurt if you ignore it long enough