Is it so hard to find credible people in Jamaica? Why is it so hard for people to do the right thing? Why is it so hard to find qualified people for the right jobs? Is this because we are so divisive and hire people based on party lines and how much support they can get based on all the bribing they did before? Look at all the different sectors and you can point to instances of corruption. Can anyone think of a sector that's running properly in JA. One sector that can be the blue print for others?
Why do the auditors come up with so many issues..and why so many people are only aware of these after the fact...Like the Transport Authority..where were the leaders when these buses were being sold for nothing? Where is the oversight and governance board? Where is the approval chain that amkes someone at the top responsible? Where is the Minister who is overseeing this? Red tape? this country needs so much fixing and unfortunatly we are are few decades off as we currently don't have the leaders to do it
Why do the auditors come up with so many issues..and why so many people are only aware of these after the fact...Like the Transport Authority..where were the leaders when these buses were being sold for nothing? Where is the oversight and governance board? Where is the approval chain that amkes someone at the top responsible? Where is the Minister who is overseeing this? Red tape? this country needs so much fixing and unfortunatly we are are few decades off as we currently don't have the leaders to do it