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X, Historian et al...

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  • X, Historian et al...

    Meet Justin Hartfield, The Entrepreneur Who Wants To Be America's First Marijuana Industrialist

    By Walter Hickey | Business Insider – 1 hour 30 minutes ago

    Justin Hartfield
    The accelerating legalization of marijuana has brought about an entirely new, legal industry around the drug. Until recently, the marijuana business was solely a black market, fueled by drug traffickers and gangs.
    However, as more and more states move to legalize or decriminalize marijuana, several legitimate business enterprises have sprung up with the goal of profiting off of the drug.
    To find out more about the growing legal marijuana industry, we spoke to Justin Hatfield, the entrepreneur behind WeedMaps.com, a juggernaut site that p ulls 50,000 unique visitors per day and generates $1.5 million in listing fees alone each month, according to documents put out by the company.
    We talked to Hatfield about the current state of the business, the future of pot in America, and the unrealized potential of a marijuana industry in the U.S.
    Business Insider: So what is WeedMaps?
    Justin Hartfield: I was a patient in early 2008 and me and my friends wanted to know where the dispensaries were. There was no really good way to find out where they were, their hours, let alone what was on their menu.
    WeedMaps is a medical marijuana dispensary finding website. It was founded in 2008 and we help patients connect to each other and let them see menus and pricing for most of their favorite dispensaries.
    I was already in the internet business. I had a SEO company, and just for fun I made the site. I had a really cool name “WeedMaps,” and it just started to take off way more than my consulting business did. So eventually I just dropped consulting and started doing WeedMaps full time.
    BI: What is it like being a marijuana entrepreneur?
    JH: It’s really fun, especially when I get to tell people what I do .
    I’m in a little bit of a different position than most people in the marijuana business because i’m only tangentially related. I don’t actually touch the stuff. I at least have one layer of separation, so I can be a little be more free and open telling people exactly what I do, something people who sell marijuana don’t have the same way.
    BI: So this is legal?
    JH: It’s absolutely legal. How? First Amendment.

    BI: As a result of your business, you’re now on the board of a number of groups, including NORML (National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws). Tell us a little more about your advocacy work. JH: I’m also on the board of Marijuana Policy Project as well as National Cannabis Industry Association, so I’m very busy on boards. What I do exactly I still haven’t figured that out yet.
    I’ve always been especially interested in ending the drug war. It’s always something I thought was wrong on a number of levels. Ending the prohibition on marijuana would just make so much sense. I think organizations like NORML and MPP are doing amazing work changing not only the cultural perception but also the laws, what we’ve seen in Colorado and Washington in November.
    BI: In November, Colorado and Washington legalized marijuana on the state level. How has this changed the outlook for legal marijuana in the U.S.?
    JH: I think it changes everything. Monetarily there hasn’t been an impact yet, but obviously the laws still need to be implemented. They will be on the first of January 2014.
    I think what it’s doing now is it’s bringing really professional investors and players into the space that I haven’t seen before. I’ve been doing this since 2008, the level of the business actors hasn’t always been the “highest.”
    But now, I’m beginning to see some really serious, sincere, business people — with credentials, with backgrounds — starting to get more interested and involved in the industry. That’s always a great thing to see because that’s going to make the pie bigger, make the industry grow and mature and become more accepted.
    It’s people with experience and backgrounds — 10, 15, 25 years — in industry bringing that level of professionalism, their technology, the discourse itself has been very powerful. I think there are starting to be a lot more impressive business opportunities emerging from this growing acceptance, especially in the kind of tangentially related industries like paraphernalia and electronics — vaporizing pens, vaporizers in general, even storage devices,
    You name it, there’s this incredible amount of technology that’s being applied. It’s been in the closet so long, it’s been a contraband industry so long . These professional people and this kind of high technology hasn’t been applied to the industry yet, and we’re finally seeing it emerge. It’s becoming evident everywhere.
    BI: What’s the future for pot in America, looking at the next three to five years?
    JH: I think we’re looking at a few more states adding medical, then in 2016 there’s going to be the next big push. It’s a presidential election, they’re expecting a lot of younger folks to vote. When young folks come out to vote, they typically vote for legalization.
    I expect [Progressive Insurance chairman and marijuana legalization advocate] Peter Lewis and his group to have something on the ballot in California, and then hopefully a few other states.
    BI: How about New York?
    JH: Medical [marijuana legalization] in New York looks very promising. They’re pushing stuff up in Albany now. This bill that they’re pushing right now is very restrictive form a commercial standpoint and also in terms of just a medical standpoint. They’re not allowing doctors to recommend marijuana, they’re trying to control what diseases marijuana can be used for and in that kind of system it just limits the market. It’s going to be very heavily regulated there but I think in 2016 there could be possibility of a legalization bill there too. I know [The Drug Policy Alliance] is working really hard in New York.
    BI: What about long term? Has marijuana already won?
    JH: I think the culture war is over, as Allen St. Pierre [Executive Director of NORML] likes to point out. Culturally, there’s no doubt about it that my generation and the generation that’s older than me, they’ve come to accept this should be regulated like alcohol.
    So for long term? I see federal legalization on the horizon within the next ten to twelve years. Hopefully sooner. Hopefully it’s tomorrow. It’s kind of ridiculous the federal government is even considering not letting the states move forward with this experiment, but regardless, I think the long term prospects for the marijuana industry are really good, probably comparable to the wine industry, probably a lot bigger.

    Galileo55 via Flickr
    Napa Valley
    BI: The wine industry? Most people seem associate the future of pot with the tobacco industry. JH: Everyone always compares it to tobacco, I think that tobacco is $35 billion depending on who you ask, the wine market is a little bit less than that. I think the recreational market is going to be very similar to the wine marke t with an extra added huge market for medical; because there are a lot of patients that need to have a guaranteed medical product.
    BI: Wine has independent producers, whereas tobacco is heavily consolidated.
    JH: Exactly. The wine business is going to be a closer model of what the legal cannabis market will be eventually. If California really does legalization right — either through [California Lieutenant governor and presumed 2014 gubernatorial candidate] Gavin Newsom, the legislature or in 2016 — if they really do it right they’ll specify zones like the Emerald Triangle or Humboldt County that are special, just like they do with Napa Valley or Sonoma.
    When you have a product that’s comes of these areas it’s allowed to have stamps of approval — “the Humboldt stamp of approval” — and I think this is going to revitalize a lot of local industry there and create a whole cottage industry — like Sonoma has with the French model — by designating special areas.
    BI: You have another business, Cannabinoid Science Systems. What’s with that?
    JH: Cannabinoid SS is a research company that develops and applies for patents for cannabis intellectual property, medical and recreational. We’ve got a lot of really cool stuff. We’ve done so much research on cannabis. We know so much about the plant and extracting things from the plant. We know so much about processing and post-processing that we may as well get these patents so when it does become legal federally we have them.
    BI: What needs to happen now?
    JH: I want to commend Colorado for passing Amendment 64, and ensure that the four congressmen do the right thing and pass a bill that’s not only timely but also fair to the local businesses and people in the community. There’s a world spotlight on Colorado and Denver. If they get this right, if they really find a good way to regulate marijuana I think the whole world will benefit.

  • #2
    When New York gets in thats it , thats where the real funding comes from i.e real marketing, ala market.

    "Good things come out of the garrisons" after his daughter won the 100m Gold For Jamaica.

    "It therefore is useless and pointless, unless it is for share malice and victimisation to arrest and charge a 92-year-old man for such a simple offence. There is nothing morally wrong with this man smoking a spliff; the only thing wrong is that it is still on the law books," said Chevannes.


    • #3
      Ganja goes corporate


      "Good things come out of the garrisons" after his daughter won the 100m Gold For Jamaica.

      "It therefore is useless and pointless, unless it is for share malice and victimisation to arrest and charge a 92-year-old man for such a simple offence. There is nothing morally wrong with this man smoking a spliff; the only thing wrong is that it is still on the law books," said Chevannes.


      • #4
        Wall street herbalist growing pains.


        "Good things come out of the garrisons" after his daughter won the 100m Gold For Jamaica.

        "It therefore is useless and pointless, unless it is for share malice and victimisation to arrest and charge a 92-year-old man for such a simple offence. There is nothing morally wrong with this man smoking a spliff; the only thing wrong is that it is still on the law books," said Chevannes.


        • #5
          Colorado’s first legal ‘420’ rally marred by gunfire

          By Eric Pfeiffer, Yahoo! News | The Lookout – 14 hrs ago

          Thousands of men and women celebrate the legalization of marijuana during a "420" event at Denver's Civic Center …
          UPDATE 7:07 pm CT: In the minutes after the shooting, three individuals were shot by an unknown assailant. None of the injuries were described as life-threatening. Approximately seven gunshots were heard shortly before 5pm, less than an hour after the rally's keynote address completed. It was initially reported that two people had been shot, along with one of the individual's pet dog. However, the Denver Police Department tweeted that a third individual, a juvenile, was grazed by a bullet and escorted themselves to nearby hospital.
          DENVER, CO. - Ten years ago, Ken Gorman, the founder of Denver’s annual “420 Rally,” stood inside the city’s Civic Center Park with about a dozen supporters as they pushed for marijuana legalization.
          Today, an estimated 80,000 individuals gathered in the same location as they celebrated Colorado voters’ decision to legalize the recreational use of cannabis last November.
          “This is what freedom smells like,” attorney Rob Corry told the crowd, as he counted down the moments until 4:20pm CT, at which point literally thousands of people simultaneously exhaled marijuana smoke into the air, creating a haze that was visible for blocks away.
          “You’re going to be in the Guinness Book of World Records,” rally organizer Miguel Lopez told the crowd, eliciting a roar of cheers and laughter. “More people will have smoked pot at ‘420’ in this location than anytime, anywhere in the history of the world.”
          The day's events formally kicked off at just past 10:00am on Saturday morning. And while it was readily apparent that many, if not most, attendees showed up simply for the novelty of smoking marijuana in a large public gathering, there were hundreds of people there to make money off the attendees.
          Dozens of vendors quickly set up shop, offering items ranging from marijuana smoking pipes to various food offerings like "giant turkey legs." And one didn't have to walk far without being offered several varieties of marijuana for sale, which is still illegal under Colorado law.
          In November 2012, more than a million Colorado voters (55.32 percent) supported the passage of Measure 64, which legalized the recreational use of marijuana in the state. However, the consumption of the drug remains illegal under federal law.
          A similar bill passed by a broad margin in Washington State.
          An estimated 80,000 people gatehred for the "420 rally" in Denver's Civic Center Park (Eric Pfeiffer/Yahoo New …
          And while the thousands of pot smokers using the substance in public is technically a crime, Colorado law enforcement said they were more concerned with ensuring public safety in light of the recent terror attack in Boston.
          “We're aware of the events in Boston," Denver police spokesman Aaron Kafer, told the Associated Press. "Our message to the public is that, if you see something, say something."
          Lopez and a number of other leaders of the legalization movement said they remain unsatisfied with what they consider the limited scope of Measure 64, which along with forbidding consumption of marijuana in public spaces, contains other restrictions, such as driving while under the influence of cannabis. In addition, Lopez said those individuals imprisoned for past crimes involving the sale, use and distribution of marijuana should be released from jail.
          On Monday, several of the event’s organizers will hold another rally outside the Colorado state capital in which they will speak out against the “Driving Under the Influence of Cannabis Bill,” which aims to set a legal limit for the amount of THC a person can have active in their bloodstream while driving. The bill passed the state House in March and is scheduled to be taken up for consideration by the state Senate.
          Despite the jubilant mood amongst the rally’s participants, the event was not without its critics.
          Smart Colorado, a group that opposed the legalization bill in 2012, released a statement saying the open use of cannabis set a bad image to individuals looking at Colorado.
          “We encourage Coloradans to pay attention to the 4/20 rallies by marijuana advocates. These events, which will be covered by national media, will send a clear message to the rest of the nation and the world about what Colorado looks like in the wake of the passage of Amendment 64 last fall,” Henny Lasley, head of Smart Colorado, said in the statement.
          “Does the behavior of the participants in these events reflect well on our state? And do they respect the limitations outlined by Amendment 64, which does not allow public and open consumption of marijuana or the use by anyone under 21 years old?”
          In addition, there were a number of dubious claims made about the alleged benefits of medical marijuana. While the substance has been shown to alleviate the symptoms of several illnesses, one organizer described the substance as a “cure” for several serious medical conditions, including Crohn’s Disease, arthritis and even cancer.
          A second day of similar events is scheduled to take place on Sunday in Civic Center Park but is expected to draw a much smaller number of participants.
          "We have the law, the science, we have the people," Lopez told the crowd. “But the war is not over.”
          A large American flag is waved during Denver's "420 rally" (Eric Pfeiffer/Yahoo Ne


          • #6
            Was it a cloudy day, or...?



            • #7
              You'll have to get that weather report from X and Historian who rumor has it made the trip together....


              • #8
                Historian and i made it safely and returned in peace , needless to say he preached against the choir , took it to the legislators ,they said O.K we will ban it if you can gaurantee us the billions in tax revenue, frustrated he gave up and lit up a spliff.

                "Good things come out of the garrisons" after his daughter won the 100m Gold For Jamaica.

                "It therefore is useless and pointless, unless it is for share malice and victimisation to arrest and charge a 92-year-old man for such a simple offence. There is nothing morally wrong with this man smoking a spliff; the only thing wrong is that it is still on the law books," said Chevannes.


                • #9
                  Lol...wooeeiiii....good one!

