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Dr. Jeptha Ford has declared

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  • Dr. Jeptha Ford has declared

    that he will now be joining forces with Human Rights Organizations to defend the rights of the people. Pity him wait until it reach him fi see what is what.

    Mosiah, please provide new comers orientation fi the doc.
    "Jamaica's future reflects its past, having attained only one per cent annual growth over 30 years whilst neighbours have grown at five per cent." (Article)

  • #2
    He is one of the lucky ones. Many others would love to join forces with the JFJ and other HROs, but sadly, state abuse killed them dead! Maybe this press release issued some time after the incident has struck a chord with the doctor.

    Take Sleep and Mark Death

    Many times in every single year since our formation in 1999 Jamaicans For Justice (JFJ) has issued press releases about questionable actions by members of the Jamaica Constabulary Force (JCF). The continuing litany of complaints from our clients have included prolonged illegal detention, beatings, non-fatal shootings, illegal planting or destruction of evidence, the laying of false charges and, far too often, allegations of brutal, unconscionable and unjustifiable killings by police officers sworn to "Protect, Serve and Reassure". Too often we hear from our clients "I never thought it could happen to my family because I know my son/brother/husband/uncle is not a criminal". Too often we hear from sections of the society that the police must just deal with the criminals who shouldn't have any rights.

    Every year since our existence JFJ has highlighted the weaknesses in the accountability mechanisms for dealing with police abuse and the weaknesses in capacity of the agencies (both within and outside the police force) charged with investigating and prosecuting police abuses. It seems the authorities who have the power to remove these weaknesses, to hold people accountable, to stop the brutality and stem the flow of bloodshed at the hands of the police, had neither the will nor desire to alter the situation. Perhaps they were secure in the thought that leaders in society don’t suffer these abuses; it is only "those irredeemable people" whose sons/brothers/husbands/uncles will be beaten/detained/shot/falsely charged/killed by police.

    Perhaps the brutal beating of Dr Jephthah Ford, which brought him close to death, will wake those in authority. Perhaps if they see that even the best friend of the police, a community leader and politician, is not safe from brutality, is vulnerable to abuse, perhaps then they will move to take effective action. Perhaps now they can "take sleep and mark death".

    JFJ sends its sincerest sympathies to Dr. Ford, his sister and his family. We are glad that he lives; we hope his testimony as to what happened to him will add to the push for change. We call on ALL decent Jamaicans, including those within the JCF, to support the demand for effective change to be made so that brutal and illegal and murderous policemen can be eliminated from the force (with more due process than they generally accord their victims). Jamaica "Take Sleep and Mark Death".



    • #3
      I wonder what Xcuse and Baddaz have to say about this release?
      "Jamaica's future reflects its past, having attained only one per cent annual growth over 30 years whilst neighbours have grown at five per cent." (Article)


      • #4
        what is there say lazie... i have always felt the jff and other like organizations have a productive role to play in the jamaican society...
        'to get what we've never had, we MUST do what we've never done'

