Miggle Passage Studies CCxV1 
When Babylon's language itself is founded on their ingrained philosophy of white supremacy...accepted without question by most...their job of psychological control is made easier....
Definition of WHITE
c : marked by upright fairness <that's mighty white of you>
: free from spot or blemish: as
a (1) : free from moral impurity : innocent (2) : marked by the wearing of white by the woman as a symbol of purity <a white wedding>
b : unmarked by writing or printing
c : not intended to cause harm <a white lie> <white magic>
d : favorable, fortunate <one of the white days of his life
Definition of BLACK
: dirty, soiled <hands black with grime>
a : characterized by the absence of light <a black night>
b : reflecting or transmitting little or no light <black water>
c : served without milk or cream <black coffee>
a : thoroughly sinister or evil : wicked <a black deed>
b : indicative of condemnation or discredit <got a black mark for being late>
: connected with or invoking the supernatural and especially the devil <black magic>
a : very sad, gloomy, or calamitous <black despair>
b : marked by the occurrence of disaster <black Friday>
: characterized by hostility or angry discontent : sullen <black resentment filled his heart>
chiefly British : subject to boycott by trade-union members as employing or favoring nonunion workers or as operating under conditions considered unfair by the trade union
a of propaganda : conducted so as to appear to originate within an enemy country and designed to weaken enemy morale
b : characterized by or connected with the use of black propaganda <black radio>
: characterized by grim, distorted, or grotesque satire <black humor>
Case closed

When Babylon's language itself is founded on their ingrained philosophy of white supremacy...accepted without question by most...their job of psychological control is made easier....
Definition of WHITE
c : marked by upright fairness <that's mighty white of you>
: free from spot or blemish: as
a (1) : free from moral impurity : innocent (2) : marked by the wearing of white by the woman as a symbol of purity <a white wedding>
b : unmarked by writing or printing
c : not intended to cause harm <a white lie> <white magic>
d : favorable, fortunate <one of the white days of his life
Definition of BLACK
: dirty, soiled <hands black with grime>
a : characterized by the absence of light <a black night>
b : reflecting or transmitting little or no light <black water>
c : served without milk or cream <black coffee>
a : thoroughly sinister or evil : wicked <a black deed>
b : indicative of condemnation or discredit <got a black mark for being late>
: connected with or invoking the supernatural and especially the devil <black magic>
a : very sad, gloomy, or calamitous <black despair>
b : marked by the occurrence of disaster <black Friday>
: characterized by hostility or angry discontent : sullen <black resentment filled his heart>
chiefly British : subject to boycott by trade-union members as employing or favoring nonunion workers or as operating under conditions considered unfair by the trade union
a of propaganda : conducted so as to appear to originate within an enemy country and designed to weaken enemy morale
b : characterized by or connected with the use of black propaganda <black radio>
: characterized by grim, distorted, or grotesque satire <black humor>
Case closed
