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Posh cars for public officials - 120 sports utility vehicles

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  • #16
    Karl it is not about comfort it is about a broken government who can't buy a police car for Annotto Bay St.Mary and who should be looking to cut imports of gasoline product doing the opposite.

    If we can't save at any level how is it we going to get better?
    Government workers don't have to have luxuries. Government needs to cut its oil import bill and buying SUVs gas gussling vechiles are not the way to go.
    • Don't let negative things break you, instead let it be your strength, your reason for growth. Life is for living and I won't spend my life feeling cheated and downtrodden.


    • #17
      Karl, for me, it's all about gas-guzzling cars that the country cannot afford! Jamaica has no bizniz having huge gas-guzzling vehicles, and the ministers must set the example. These are the kinds of tough decisions we are going to have to make if we want to move forward. Call it socialist if you will.

      How do you tell which minister is performing? As far as I am concerned NO MINISTER IS PERFORMING WHILE WE ARE IN THIS RUT. In fact, no minister will have performed in our lifetime. They all need to be driving Corollas - sound cars with great mileage!

      Karl, how many police cars could we buy if we exercised some good common sense and less arrogance? Last week there was a robbery at my St. Ann chalet. When I called the police, no one could go to the house 4 miles away because the only vehicle they had was in Montego Bay. (I would not be surprised if it was on some joy ride in Mobay, but that's for another post.)

      If Barbabos doesn't have such an SUV policy what is Jamaica doing with one?



      • #18
        Originally posted by Assasin View Post
        Karl it is not about comfort it is about a broken government who can't buy a police car for Annotto Bay St.Mary and who should be looking to cut imports of gasoline product doing the opposite.

        If we can't save at any level how is it we going to get better?
        Government workers don't have to have luxuries. Government needs to cut its oil import bill and buying SUVs gas gussling vechiles are not the way to go.

        So there is no car for the Annotto Bay, St. Mary police...but, there are a *'billion things' needing fixing immediately! So it...we cannot make it about 500, 1000, 10,000 cars! It MUST be about having competent persons - (persons with ability to solve all our problems) - in place! ...and, if it means giving those competent persons ALL the creature comforts in the world...then, "do it!"...for the greater good of ALL our people!

        *billion things = education (teachers' salaries, teachers' tools, physical plants, school resources, equipment, etc, etc...pupils and students support...money and tools) system of roads, water supply systems, crime prevention & management tools and crime-fighters, health system, improved government & quasi-government services, properly run airline, rail system, ...and, we could go on and on. What will it take to get these things? PEOPLE! ...Not cars! It cannot be about the SUVs!
        "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


        • #19
          Pray tell, Karl, which of our ministers is deserving of a Prado (Land Cruiser) because he has proven him/herself to be competent?



          • #20
            Originally posted by Mosiah View Post
            Pray tell, Karl, which of our ministers is deserving of a Prado (Land Cruiser) because he has proven him/herself to be competent?
            Let me tell you of one who is not competent - Peter Philips! Somehow he does not seem able to get a handle on the killing fields and or his weapon to eliminate the killing fields i.e. the (his) police force!
            "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


            • #21
              Originally posted by Mosiah View Post
              When I called the police, no one could go to the house 4 miles away because the only vehicle they had was in Montego Bay. (I would not be surprised if it was on some joy ride in Mobay, but that's for another post.)
              Seeee wah mi a seh? Gi dem SUV an - I would not be surprised if it was on some joy ride in Mobay. Matters not if they had SUVs. It is not the car...it is the persons!

              Tenk yuh, sah...for making my point with that exclamation point!
              mek mi fi Jamaica!
              "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


              • #22
                Originally posted by Mosiah View Post
                Karl, for me, it's all about gas-guzzling cars that the country cannot afford! Jamaica has no bizniz having huge gas-guzzling vehicles, and the ministers must set the example. These are the kinds of tough decisions we are going to have to make if we want to move forward. Call it socialist if you will.

                How do you tell which minister is performing? As far as I am concerned NO MINISTER IS PERFORMING WHILE WE ARE IN THIS RUT. In fact, no minister will have performed in our lifetime. They all need to be driving Corollas - sound cars with great mileage!

                Karl, how many police cars could we buy if we exercised some good common sense and less arrogance? Last week there was a robbery at my St. Ann chalet. When I called the police, no one could go to the house 4 miles away because the only vehicle they had was in Montego Bay. (I would not be surprised if it was on some joy ride in Mobay, but that's for another post.)

                If Barbabos doesn't have such an SUV policy what is Jamaica doing with one?
                I could post the nation building resume of Edward Seaga..again.. but I have been told not to sow corn upon certain ground and not to cast pearls in certain areas.. it is only a pity that incompetent leadership has cast a shadow on the significant achievements of dedicated and serious people..

                As Wignal seh.. maybe certain people deserved the chance that less worthy were given.. and given.. and given..

                Check di UWI Math department situation again if unnuh nuh believe seh is not di people dat have proven record get di wuk inna dis country.. until unnuh fix dat problem and get serious.. we will continue to move in circles.. ruling in hell..


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Karl View Post
                  Seeee wah mi a seh? Gi dem SUV an - I would not be surprised if it was on some joy ride in Mobay. Matters not if they had SUVs. It is not the car...it is the persons!

                  Tenk yuh, sah...for making my point with that exclamation point!
                  mek mi fi Jamaica!
                  Karl, what periods in Jamaicas History has it shown signs of growth and serious leadership ?

                  Yuh waan guh heaven but yuh nuh waan dead...

                  Hopefully others will finally make the choice that you cannot.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Maudib View Post
                    Karl, what periods in Jamaicas History has it shown signs of growth and serious leadership ?

                    Yuh waan guh heaven but yuh nuh waan dead...

                    Hopefully others will finally make the choice that you cannot.
                    For my eyes - NEVER!

                    You see the years when Seaga was in charge a few fat cats fed well...and, the rest of us sucked salt! ...and, for many there was not a hope of ever even being recognised as someone worth-while. It was during those Seaga years I remember the phrase being embedded in my consciousness - "Who does he/she think she is!" ...in reference to persons of "humble means". Some up to this day cannot get into their consciousness that we are all equal under God's eyes.

                    I remember in College of hearing of 'kids', now 'high on the hog of having somehow 'bettered' themselves than their parents', who could not face "the shame" of inviting those same parents...those who brought them into this world, to their graduation. Hiding their parents, of whom they should have been proud...hiding away from their parents as the "who does he/she think he/she is" ate away at their hearts. Lawd...di pain of it all!

                    Even today you see some of those offsprings of the Seaga era walking around with noses pointed to the sky. Perhaps, some of the PNP leaders learned the Seaga era lessons well...and now can't help themselves on looking down their noses at the masses? Come to think of it...that may also be a contributor to some of our problems. How else can you explain the lousy leadership provided by our MPs if it is not that they consider the masses less than human and therefore not worthy of the 'goods' that humans must receive from their leaders??? ...not worthy of that which they receive??? How else???
                    Last edited by Karl; April 17, 2007, 12:35 AM.
                    "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Mosiah View Post
                      Karl, for me, it's all about gas-guzzling cars that the country cannot afford! Jamaica has no bizniz having huge gas-guzzling vehicles, and the ministers must set the example. These are the kinds of tough decisions we are going to have to make if we want to move forward. Call it socialist if you will.

                      Have to agree here!
                      "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


                      • #26
                        Mo there is nothing Socialist about make good government decisions. In Britain and other well advance countries you don't see low class public officals driving the kind of SUV we drive whether they are performing or not.

                        Karl it is only common sense that tell us that buying Toyota Corrolla would save a bungle and that waiting for Phinn and Portia to find oil is not the way to go. We need thinking ministers. Believe it or not Peter Phillips is one of the better ministers. Can you tell me the amount of money that Dr. Paulwell have wasted?

                        You fight saying no waste on Sandals Whitehouse and now these cars are not waste so then can you tell me one way you would cut a budget? It don't take a genius to see with our resources why the tax paying people of St.Mary and St.Ann have to buy SUV for these workers why their number priority from government(security) is none existence as police have to bum ride to crime scenes. It makes no sense whatsoever.
                        • Don't let negative things break you, instead let it be your strength, your reason for growth. Life is for living and I won't spend my life feeling cheated and downtrodden.


                        • #27
                          Thanks for the non-answer.

                          Many people believe Phillips is doing a good job. So, how does one really make the distinction? I say the distinction does not have to be made. None of them should be driving a govt. assigned SUV!

                          BLACK LIVES MATTER


                          • #28
                            I don't get it. How come you are agreeing to this? What about SUVs for competent MPs?!?!

                            BLACK LIVES MATTER


                            • #29
                              Mosiah, Assasin and MAudib, unuh nuh know that trying to make a point with Komrade Karl is like walking pon wata? As far as Karl is concerned, anything him religious leaders duh, is alright with him. Obviously unuh have time fi waste.
                              "Jamaica's future reflects its past, having attained only one per cent annual growth over 30 years whilst neighbours have grown at five per cent." (Article)


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by Karl View Post
                                For my eyes - NEVER!

                                You see the years when Seaga was in charge a few fat cats fed well...and, the rest of us sucked salt! ...and, for many there was not a hope of ever even being recognised as someone worth-while. It was during those Seaga years I remember the phrase being embedded in my consciousness - "Who does he/she think she is!" ...in reference to persons of "humble means". Some up to this day cannot get into their consciousness that we are all equal under God's eyes.

                                I remember in College of hearing of 'kids', now 'high on the hog of having somehow 'bettered' themselves than their parents', who could not face "the shame" of inviting those same parents...those who brought them into this world, to their graduation. Hiding their parents, of whom they should have been proud...hiding away from their parents as the "who does he/she think he/she is" ate away at their hearts. Lawd...di pain of it all!

                                Even today you see some of those offsprings of the Seaga era walking around with noses pointed to the sky. Perhaps, some of the PNP leaders learned the Seaga era lessons well...and now can't help themselves on looking down their noses at the masses? Come to think of it...that may also be a contributor to some of our problems. How else can you explain the lousy leadership provided by our MPs if it is not that they consider the masses less than human and therefore not worthy of the 'goods' that humans must receive from their leaders??? ...not worthy of that which they receive??? How else???
                                Thank you for this post. I love it when someone saves me the trouble and convicts themselves with their testimony. Wow.

                                I knew I could get it out of you.

                                Now can we PLEASE assign your critical thinking ability on this topic to the realm of emotional/personal vagries and not pretend that you actually have a rational viewpoint on how to move Jamaica forward.

                                We have no room for 'Die Hards' with some perceived axe to grind, we need thinking people.. we need to find a way to remove you and the rest of the 'We always believe.." people to some far away place so that we can move the country forward.. or FORWARD ! as you like to put it.

                                Stap waste people time pretending to be an objective thinker while all the time your slip showing.

