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From a Trini friend... there is no

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  • #16
    we determine our destiny, nobody else.Market is encouraged but you know that evey government use tax and import quota as tools. Fact is we have to be competitive, somthing the governement and unions fail to realise.

    We can blame others but other countries have acted responsible and have made way so what happen to us. Our trading partners benefit when we have a higher standard of living. It is only us fooling ourselves.
    • Don't let negative things break you, instead let it be your strength, your reason for growth. Life is for living and I won't spend my life feeling cheated and downtrodden.


    • #17
      Let us talk about Home debot and Lowes, they came onto the scene with lower prices which was effective in getting rid of the area hardware stores. Something happened after the objective was achieved, the bargain deals are no more.
      Similarly, imports that are heavily subsidized by the govt of the country of its origin are not appropriately valued, hence our local products can't compete.
      This is the capitalist modus operandi that we are hugging.


      • #18
        Not to mention the nation's (US) favourite store, Wal -Mart.

        I agree with you on this; prime example of a corporation that is fully backed by government and is killing competition in POOR countries ( not to mention their own) is Monsanto.
        Peter R


        • #19
          Again that is why you need policy makers that can make effective policies. You have quota, and taxes which can be used to balance some of that. We have choosen the hard way out. When I go to Jamaica and I see we are importing warer. Right now the third world is exporting more goods to devleop countries and not just China.

          Look at Jamaica import bill and you will see not just the US or England but every country in the caribbean have a trade surplus with us. Why is this???

          Yes Hopedepot put a lot of people out of business but a lot of contrators and others benefit from having homedepot producing lower prices and there is still some hardware stors that specialise in small neighbourhoods or in specific services that are needed. Now even homedeopt, loews and walmart have to compete with many smaller organization on the internet.

          Jamaica need to find their competitive advanatages. Tell me how is it cheaper to import water and how some of theose outdated box juices reach Jamaica???
          • Don't let negative things break you, instead let it be your strength, your reason for growth. Life is for living and I won't spend my life feeling cheated and downtrodden.


          • #20
            does it matter if you import if from China or USA? The problem is on us. The mentality that having cars, and the luxury of the first world is killing us.

            Where is our government. Do you think giviing the big Spanish hotels tax free, status and import anything they need without paying custom duties while the Jamaican with 20 rooms or 30 who just start up have to pay all these expenses put us at competitive advantages??? Our government polices are a major part of the problem.

            Do you realise if we produce competitively we can also make presentation and sell to Walmart or Homedepot and take advantage of their economy of scale?

            Any example is Royal Caribbean patties in many of supermaket and Grace products in some.
            Last edited by Assasin; March 31, 2013, 11:28 AM.
            • Don't let negative things break you, instead let it be your strength, your reason for growth. Life is for living and I won't spend my life feeling cheated and downtrodden.


            • #21
              Worse yet..water from TT.


              • #22
                Jamaican Corporation..

                You have two cows.. you can't afford to keep them because all our Milk and Beef is imported...


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Assasin View Post


                  You have two cows and they disappear overnight
                  police catch the suspect but can't name them. LOL
                  This is the BEST ONE!!
                  Life is a system of half-truths and lies, opportunistic, convenient evasion.”
                  - Langston Hughes

