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DayWalker to Driva: Kingston..Wi ave one **** Prablem

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  • DayWalker to Driva: Kingston..Wi ave one **** Prablem

    There's much more on dis subjek...but gots to go. Fulljoy yuhself

    Late last month, however, Seaga, again under internal pressure to step down and complaining of a lack of respect from the party's young Turks who are supportive of Golding, wrote to Golding saying that he intended to quit in November, but criticised him for ineffective leadership.
    "The real problem is the ineffectiveness of your leadership as chairman in curbing the conduct of those around you," Seaga said. "While you continue to offer ineffective leadership the party will continue to disintegrate without any hope for recovery.
    "I have always had the greatest respect for your ability as a thoughtful person with a good analytical mind, but it should come as no surprise to you if I repeat once more, as I have publicly done in the past, that you lack the skills to lead effectively."
    The letter provided fodder

    Read more: http://www.jamaicaobserver.com/news/...#ixzz2Nepf6h8J

    Seaga, in a comprehensive interview with CVM Television, went for Prime Minister Bruce Golding's jugular, blaming him for the flare up and all but calling for his resignation.
    SEAGA... I offered a $25,000 reward to find his whereabouts
    In the lengthy CVM interview, the former prime minister also lashed several Jamaicans, including Joseph Matalon, the head of the Private Sector Organisation of Jamaica (PSOJ), Col Trevor MacMillan, the former police commissioner and Bishop Herro Blair, the political ombudsman.
    Seaga took issue with the killing of residents of Tivoli, saying that the people who had arms had left the community. "And they are gone because they got a signal from what was said before, knowing that there was going to be this type of operation. So why are you continuing? Why you shooting people?"
    "You must remember that the member of parliament is also the prime minister and he is the one who makes the decision.... He can make the decision to stop it. Why is he not doing so? But I can only tell you that since he has become PM he has neglected the area. And I'm not talking about Tivoli Gardens, the entire West Kingston. Neglected it. Because that is not his understanding of how an MP should operate.
    "According to the philosophy of the NDM (National Democratic Movement), which he founded and left, an MP supposed to go to parliament and talk about national and international affairs. You've heard that. And the constituency must run itself. Now this constituency was left to run itself. And on that basis, fell into the hands of stronger and stronger gang activities that was providing assistance to them, which they had to appreciate because there's nobody else that's helping them. You don't run a constituency like that, not this type of constituency."

    Read more: http://www.jamaicaobserver.com/news/...#ixzz2Ner7Q100

    Recognizing the victims of Jamaica's horrendous criminality and exposing the Dummies like Dippy supporting criminals by their deeds.. or their silence.

    D1 - Xposing Dummies since 2007

  • #2



    • #3
      And after all that... still the two Greatest Leaders.. of the lot..

      But mi nevah need Economist fi tell mi dat.. Critical Thinking..

      Meanwhile yuh have certain people in delusional JLPNP mind gridlock.. stuck.. just like the country under PNP.. since 1972


      • #4
        Tell wi again seh Omar not arrogant....

        lol ! woiee !

        Mi did know it bad.. but nuh suh !


        • #5
          Ben on this issue you're giving critical thinking a bad name. Wheel and come again on another issue please. Eddie the greatest say drivah neva ready for leadership and was/is seriously lacking in the required leaderhip qualities.
          You either respect the thought process of the 'greatest' or you do not.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Rudi View Post
            Ben on this issue you're giving critical thinking a bad name. Wheel and come again on another issue please. Eddie the greatest say drivah neva ready for leadership and was/is seriously lacking in the required leaderhip qualities.
            You either respect the thought process of the 'greatest' or you do not.
            Come on Rudi, it is obvious Seaga said that to get back at Bruce for pushing him out of the leadership of the JLP.
            "Jamaica's future reflects its past, having attained only one per cent annual growth over 30 years whilst neighbours have grown at five per cent." (Article)


            • #7
              As Critical Thinking demands I have taken all relevant inputs into consideration...

              The leadership ranking still stands..


              • #8
                LOL. You great Baba.


                • #9
                  I believe Obama and Clinton are great.. nuh matter what dem seh bout each oddah on di Campaign trail..


                  • #10
                    Turn and spin. Bob and weave. I understand.


                    • #11
                      You raised what you thought was a good argument.. I shot it down.. kinda like Skeet Shooting..

                      Pull !


                      • #12
                        Not so,Seaga even alluded to Bruce being an okay person but insist he isn't a great leader,he resigned for a reason.
                        How great is Seaga if his assessment is suspect?


                        • #13
                          Mek Ben and Lazie gwan spin. Seaga didn't voice his opinion based solely on any campaign. After the election and up to the present Obama and Clinton have been highly complimentary of each others leadership abilities. Seaga's opinion of Goldings abilities continues to this day. Drivah can't drive and his follower Ben can't shoot. Keep pulling though.


                          • #14
                            An Ok person ???

                            "I have always had the greatest respect for your ability as a thoughtful person with a good analytical mind"

                            Di man seh GREATEST respect.. you come back with 'Ok Person' ??

                            lol !

                            It appears that you are trying to argue that Seaga cannot be a great leader if at one point he underestimated the leadership ability of Bruce Golding...

                            Specious argument at best.

                            Pull !


                            • #15
                              Seaga was being diplomatic and you are very selective in what sentences(Seaga's) to afford credence.
                              The PM position is absolutely important, I doubt a seasoned politician would be wrong on such a crucial issue.
                              According to you Seaga had an oversight regarding his view of Bruce's leadership abilities,hence an apology is in order.Do you REALLY think Seaga's opinion of the disgraced Bruce has changed?
                              In hindsight, Bruce resigned because of some serious controversies plaguing his leadership,and the infamous TG incursion(Seaga did not bite his lip on this, BRUCE leadership was HARSHLY criticized-Seaga CERTAINLY did not have the GREATEST of respects Bruce's ability as a "thoughtful person" and good analytic mind!
                              How important is Seaga assessment of leadership?
                              Seaga assessment of the leader of the opposition is VITAL,you call it into question....
                              Maybe you wish things to be that way why it really seems that way.

