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Serious question...does Portia WANT to fail

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  • Serious question...does Portia WANT to fail

    I am inviting serious opinion here.

    To me, even the most ROCKSTONE labourite with even a modicom of good sense and who is not excessively self interested MUST be pulling for her to have at least minimal success. Why? Simple, Jam is clearly at a crossroads and as the Bar sign says CREDIT DEAD. So a downward spiral would mean there is nothing to inherit.

    Current situation: Sliding NIR and FX rate. General apathy, fear of the near term and long term. Opulent politicians and overtaxed public. Comparatively dried up remittances. A real winter of discontent and the Spring looks set to be worse. Too much taxes, so di new Papa Tax is PP. Raided NHT. Gas gone up.

    Background: PNP hyped up expectations to win elections. Fair enuff, that is what Ticians do, BUT they kept the hype going for far too long after the polls victory (both general and local). Promises of balancing lives, of quick IMF deals, of good times with Jam 50 celebrations & Olys, of replacing wicked and uncaring admins, of red herrings like Republican status, reviewing buggary laws, openness and constant communication (Portia yet to do a proper press interview), nuff hyped up mouths to feed and with the UNNECESSARY super win in the local polls, FAR too many mouths open to feed.

    Wrong/dumb moves: Promising early imf deal, defending business class travel and criss SUVs, overbloating the Cabinet and persisting with neophytes and non-performers, refusing to set example and lead from the front by symbolically making PERSONAL sacrifices to align motives and interest with the population...while begging the popn. to make even more sacrifices, nicodemus type tax impositions after fake consultation. There are a few more, but unno get the message...

    Assets at their disposal: Surprisingly bouyant tourism, mega projects by the Chinese and US like the Dry Dock, Flemings airport expansion, Logistics hub (Vernamfield, Port of KGN, rail links, Spin off business, Free zone opportunities, etc), USD$700m garbage to energy project, Port expansion to capture Panama Canal opportunities, rare earth mineral exploitation, Oil and gas offshore possibilities, and untold opportunities we all have heard whispers of in private. I dont even talk about serious Agro prospects yet!

    How in the name of all that is good, with these assets they have, they have managed to get themselves into this mess? It can only be considered to be deliberate, as random chance should put them in a better place than they are today. I cannot see the GOJ surviving 3 more years at this rate and I cannot see a good outcome for Jam if they fail. By June at this rate, I expect social unrest and crime to explode.

    I cannot imagine that Portia does not care about her legacy and would want acollapse on her watch. I dont understand why she has not taken the lead from the front with correct symbology, not reached out to all members of the Jakan family in good faith and trust and ask that we all come together to not only weather the storm, but figger out how we get back on the slow, long path to prosperity. We can do it, we have the assets and Massa God has dropped Panama and rare earth geopolitics in our laps. All this will be for naught if we allow the country to collapse in the interim.

    Comments please!!!
    Last edited by Willi; February 20, 2013, 05:52 PM.

  • #2
    She does not know what to do to succeed....that is a huge part of the problem

    Infidelity does not consist in believing, or in disbelieving; it consists in professing to believe what he does not believe. Thomas Paine


    • #3
      Mi side under 2....


      • #4
        Den ask fi help. Right now, its all ports in a storm.

        None of us want to see a collapse and all i can see is the snatching of defeat from the jaws of victory.

        It is worrisome. Dis way bigger than politics as usual now. Rath clath man!


        • #5
          And yuh country under water!


          • #6
            I said it before that the IMF deal should have been the priority in the first 6 months. The PNP could then blame it all on the JLP if they wanted. After waiting for a year it was just too much. It was going to put too much stress on businessess, the dollar and inflation.

            The government seems too divided and not in any hurry to move on anything than what is politically gaining to them and Portia trying not to be the bearer of bad news. As Prime Minister it is your duty.

            I don't think Portia grasped the severity of the economy problem we currently have. I must say Jamaica is divided but give thanks that the opposition didn't take to the road. I heard Holness said it would cost more damage he will not encourage this.

            Currently we need thinkers and people who are sensitive to what the people of Jamaica are feeling. It is going to be a long hard one. I certainly hope the government can get us to a better position in 2 or 3 years time because you are only as good as your last IMF test(I said that when Audley got his deal as well).
            • Don't let negative things break you, instead let it be your strength, your reason for growth. Life is for living and I won't spend my life feeling cheated and downtrodden.


            • #7
              But what kind of question is that?


              • #8
                Do any of them JLP/PNP know ? ahh mean Willi all the positive you have listed except the rare minerals were there for the JLP to exploit and they didnt , I dont expect none of them to make use of what we have , the only card they know is borrowing , be it IMF , World Bank ,local or forgein...clowns.Glad dem nuh run to the Bank of the South .
                Last edited by Sir X; February 20, 2013, 07:20 PM.

                "Good things come out of the garrisons" after his daughter won the 100m Gold For Jamaica.

                "It therefore is useless and pointless, unless it is for share malice and victimisation to arrest and charge a 92-year-old man for such a simple offence. There is nothing morally wrong with this man smoking a spliff; the only thing wrong is that it is still on the law books," said Chevannes.


                • #9
                  I said it before that the IMF deal should have been the priority in the first 6 months.WHY ?

                  Why not an economic plan to develop the nation without the IMF or with an IMF deal , do you see an economic plan , this is the facade, government says we have an IMF deal , the novices amongst us think its a priority to achieve better growth?

                  Butch and many others have been saying the same thing I have been advocating ,THE IMF ISNT THE SOLUTION ! do we really need another loan or do we need a program for growth, that said where is the program for growth , dont equate an IMF as it (deliverance ).

                  These clowns would sell their souls for an interest loan to pay off this debt we have and still not have a program for growth and rack up said debt in a minute .....kissteeth (KMT) deluded.
                  THERE IS ONLY ONE ONANDI LOWE!

                  "Good things come out of the garrisons" after his daughter won the 100m Gold For Jamaica.

                  "It therefore is useless and pointless, unless it is for share malice and victimisation to arrest and charge a 92-year-old man for such a simple offence. There is nothing morally wrong with this man smoking a spliff; the only thing wrong is that it is still on the law books," said Chevannes.


                  • #10
                    There was a minor matter of a Global Recession and nothing in the Kitty... as well as everlasting by-elections and War on Crime..

                    How much yuh expect to be done in 4 years after 18 years or destruction ?

                    Yuh sound like one dem Republicans cussing Obama first term..


                    • #11
                      Most of them yes, and that is why I am worried. The big difference is that we are 5 years down the road and is PNP turn at bat. When JLP won in 2007, they thought they had all the time in the world and it was polytix as usual, so some amount of kicking the can down the road was a gwaan.

                      Den the global brouhaha hit and then worsened in fact and now we are infinitely worse off now and if we dont get serious, the whole country down the drain.

                      Is me alone a fret???? Wi corner dark.


                      • #12


                        • #13
                          X, calm down and think strategically.

                          We need the IMF dal...not cause its any solution or even that it by itself is necessarily the best option. We need it because if we dont take some form of deal, we will be treated like a paraiah and Babylon will turn on us with full force and try bend us into submission for the ske of maintaining a certin "order".

                          What we ned is a hybrid of both approach, tekking a reasonable deal while planning the solution around the context of such a deal in in certain ways IN SPITE of the deal itself. Gotta use our heads, as we are between a rock and...


                          • #14
                            The energy we take fighting each other shows me we dont understand what our true adversary is and how much the deck is stacked against us. Only our VERY best will extricate us....

                            Magic time now. Enter the magician...


                            • #15
                              JLP Nevah win in 2007.. dem nevah know dem win till bout 2009..

