Every now and then there is a post that is so funny that long after the laughter is finished, the comment still remains in the reader’s mind. In your opinion, which are some of the most memorable funny comments posted on this message board?
For me, two which made me laugh until tears came – literally – were Muadib’s suggestion that in order to help solve the problems in the Gaza Strip in Israel, the Jamaican government should sell the displaced Palestinians a piece of downtown Kingston. (I can’t remember Muadib’s exact words, but I think I got it close here.)
That one had me laughing for weeks afterwards, even while driving to and from work!
My all-time favorite, however, is one that I have referred to more than once in the past. I’m talking here about Gamma’s “Deon Burton fall off the bench?” comment, made almost a decade ago.
In Gamma’s case, he was responding to a posted report that Deon Burton had gotten injured. At that time, Burton had not seen action on the field for a long time, as his club had him benched for game after game, hence Gamma’s incredulous (and certainly understandable) question.
There are many more posts that made me laugh really hard, but at the moment these are the two that come to mind.
For me, two which made me laugh until tears came – literally – were Muadib’s suggestion that in order to help solve the problems in the Gaza Strip in Israel, the Jamaican government should sell the displaced Palestinians a piece of downtown Kingston. (I can’t remember Muadib’s exact words, but I think I got it close here.)
That one had me laughing for weeks afterwards, even while driving to and from work!
My all-time favorite, however, is one that I have referred to more than once in the past. I’m talking here about Gamma’s “Deon Burton fall off the bench?” comment, made almost a decade ago.
In Gamma’s case, he was responding to a posted report that Deon Burton had gotten injured. At that time, Burton had not seen action on the field for a long time, as his club had him benched for game after game, hence Gamma’s incredulous (and certainly understandable) question.
There are many more posts that made me laugh really hard, but at the moment these are the two that come to mind.