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Dancehall Artist Bribes U.S Official To Get Back U.S Visa
Hey .. look at the bright side .... at least you're not a Liverpool fan! - Lazie 2/24/10Paul Marin -19 is one thing, 20 is a whole other matter. It gets even worse if they win the UCL. *groan*.
05/18/2011.MU fans naah cough, but all a unuh a vomit?-Lazie 1/11/2015
Why would someone throw away their career in the US Foreign Service for a mere $2,500? He sold himself cheap, and if you are going to take a bribe, take a big one, and there should not be any reasonable methods of tracing it to you. Everyone has a price, and what is your price?Winning means you're willing to go longer, work harder, and give more than anyone else - Vince Lombardi
Originally posted by Hortical View PostWhy would someone throw away their career in the US Foreign Service for a mere $2,500? He sold himself cheap, and if you are going to take a bribe, take a big one, and there should not be any reasonable methods of tracing it to you. Everyone has a price, and what is your price?The same type of thinking that created a problem cannot be used to solve the problem.
Sources close to David Rainsberger and the infamous G-side clan say Rainsberger was a nice guy for the most part but always wanted to be popular. Rainsberger had been assigned to Kingston, Jamaica in 2009 as an Assistant Regional Security officer. He was twenty-nine, married with two children. The post to which Rainsberger was assigned lasts for two years, after which individuals are assigned to other countries. Rainsberger left Jamaica in 2011, after completing his two years of service in Jamaica and was stationed overseas.
During his brief stay, David Rainsberger met and became friends with a lot of locals and was impressed with the spotlight and lifestyle that dancehall afforded those who were successful in it. An insider says
Unlike most embassy officials he bonded too closely with the dancehall crowd. The others would befriend politicians and affluent members of the private sector but David was taken in by the “hype” life and showers of praises from the men and women in the dancehall community. Money was never his motive as he was well paid by the U.S government and did not display signs of greed. He liked doing “favors” for the adulation of his new friends”
Rainsbeger’s new friends wasted no time in telling him about everyone. It is alleged that, the entertainer who be-friended him, after getting his visa, told Rainsberger that he should make sure that no one from the opposing camp got U.S visas. A picture that appeared in the Sunday Observer was said to be taken by the artiste’s manager was said to have another popular artiste beside Mr. Rainsberger. It is alleged that they all partied together and many pictures were taken by the manager via his cell-phone. Insiders say it is baffling to many of the camp members as to how the picture got in the hands of the Jamaican news paper as it was only one person who had the pictures.
Shortly after finding his new friends, Rainsberger met and started and open relationship with a young lady, who openly bragged about what they shared and posted pictures of her and Rainsberger on Facebook. His wife found out and returned to the United States, but returned after making up with her husband.Confirmed sources say that Rainsberger indeed fell inlove with the young local and told many colleagues that he wanted to divorce his wife. The problem was that in doing so he would not be able to marry the Jamaican and continue in the capacity he was assigned.It is alleged that the U.S government does not encourage this kind of arrangement. They are aware that men may stray when they are sent to international posts but it is nearly impossible for one to divorce their US wife then remarry an international local and keep their job. This would mean that they would have to strip the US wife and kids of their Diplomatic passport , remove the kids from the US Embassy schools etc., then provide diplomatic status to the new foreign wife. The grounds for this is said to be called ”moral turpitude” which represents a character flaw and can be placed a diplomat’s record. Sources say, a diplomat leaving his wife is highly unlikely and is considered a waste of time for any local to pursue married US diplomats. They will not leave their wife because it jeopardizes their job.
Another insider close to the young woman said that Rainsberger took the young woman on trips abroad, something he was disciplined for on more than one occasion as he had lied to his superiors , telling them the trips were with his family.
Things took a turn for the better when Rainsberger was reassigned overseas , his wife became pregnant with their third child and all seemed well as it was thought that he had ended things with the Jamaican local. This was not so, it is said that Rainsberger started flying the young woman out and often joked to his friends how he had to keep her hidden because she stood out among the natives of the country he was in. It was after one of the young woman’s trips that she found out Rainsberger’s wife was pregnant and all the dreams of marriage ended.
In all:-
1. David Rainberger does not seem to be a bad person . Inside sources say he was not out to get money or jewelry in exchange for visas. He simply got caught up in the hype which made him a liability to his job. It is said that his need to please others around him caused him to be easily led. This, was not good for someone in a top security role. It is said that he truly did like the Jamaican people and wanted to be a friend to all, not just the ‘up-town” rich crowd.
2. Rainberger was not the first or the only Embassy official to grant visas to friends and start relationships with locals. Women (not just in Jamaica) are known to literally throw themselves at US Diplomats. Many usually end up in marriage if the diplomat is single, however with Rainsberger, this was not the case.
3. The Jamaican girlfriend was caught up on promises of marriage, and found the world of travel and privilege to be seductive.Forgetting that diplomats travel to other countries where there are many other women:- Brazil, Panama, France, Switzerland, Africa, China, Philippines etc. are all considered exotic. She was young and impressionable sources say.
4. The DJ asked his friend, an embassy official, for a favor and it was granted.Not caring about risks taken to provide him and others with one. However, David Rainsberger knew better and his lapse in judgement cost him his job, freedom and family.
Allegations and speculations about how and why the U.S was alerted and given details about Rainsberger and his relationship with the D.J are that, upon landing in the United States on his first trip to the U.S since his visa was cancelled, the D.J was interrogated by U.S Federal Agents as to how and why he was allowed to return. It is speculated that, this was when the whole can of worms opened and it was revealed to the U.S government that Rainsberger had received two Movado watches, shoes and other items, even though Rainsberger did not ask for these items.
The artiste, is said to be planning on making use of the publicity by promoting his new single that will be made into a video, after his release from his record label is made public.
Court files say...COPS GOT VISAS TOO
Jamaican policemen have been listed in court documents as benefitting from US visas in the bribery case involving a United States State Department security officer, THE STAR understands.
Since news broke last week of a Jamaican musician and his manager's involvement in a bribery case involving David J. Rainsberger, a State Department security officer, tongues have been wagging that a can of worms have apparently been opened as a result of his guilty plea.
According to court documents, "At various times in 2011, and while posted at the embassy, the defendant also influenced decisions to grant or deny US visas to other Jamaican musicians and local Jamaican law enforcement officers based on the recommendations of JJG, which at times included information about undisclosed criminal activity provided by JJG."
The documents add that not only was the Jamaican musicians granted US visas, but the accused may have assisted, or helped to deny visa requests for other musicians.
Court documents add that in influencing these visas decisions, the defendant again failed to disclose to embassy officials the extent of his close and personal relationship with DB and JJG.
Thirty-two-year-old Rainsberger pleaded guilty last Wednesday in Federal Court in Alexandria to receiving unlawful gratuities while stationed at the US Embassy in Kingston, he is to be sentenced on April 19.
Court papers also document that while in New York City, DB appeared as a guest on a radio show and publicly thanked the US government, the defendant, and others for their assistance in helping him to obtain a visa to enter the United States.
THE STAR understands that as a show of gratitude, it is reported that DB purchased the defendant shoes, clothing and two Movado brand watches worth approximately $2,500.
The documents also reveal that on or about August 9, 2011, at the defendant's request, embassy officials expedited a visa for JJG to travel from Jamaica to the United States.
Our news team understands that JJG used his visa to travel to the US to avoid appearing at a court hearing in Jamaica.