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Jones Town was good school

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  • Jones Town was good school

    wonder what happen? How did some school manage to stay progressive while others went down the wrong path?

    Immediately after the elections I had lunch with Mr Buchanan, who coincidentally attended the same primary school as I did — Jones Town — one of the best in the 1950s and 1960s.

    Read more: http://www.jamaicaobserver.com/colum...#ixzz2Id77k5cC
    • Don't let negative things break you, instead let it be your strength, your reason for growth. Life is for living and I won't spend my life feeling cheated and downtrodden.

  • #2
    I Have No Simple Answer!

    Originally posted by Assasin View Post
    wonder what happen? How did some school manage to stay progressive while others went down the wrong path?

    Immediately after the elections I had lunch with Mr Buchanan, who coincidentally attended the same primary school as I did — Jones Town — one of the best in the 1950s and 1960s.
    That was a half century ago!!

    In the meantime the dons took over, and it all came to a climax (you know, like sex) when the Peoples Temple Agricultural Project, which was established to teach the good residents of Kingston 7 the art and science of farming and self-sufficiency, was burnt to the damn ground! Talk about Tivoli and the 70-plus people who were killed in a couple days? That’s not impressive! At Jones Town over 900 people were killed in one freaking day when the “apostolic socialism” came to a head. Of course, being a predominantly peaceful community where most of the inhabitants never ever saw a gun, the weapon of choice was carrot juice…. Sorry, my memory is getting bad…. Kool Aid mixed with Appleton….There I go again…. sorry, I meant to say cyanide.

    Trinity was around and hot in those days, but no one (except for his parents and his nine teachers) had ever heard the name Reneto Adams.

    Back then Jones Town native Leo Ryan (I knew him as Paul when I was a kid, and we used to play the piano together), who had migrated from Jamaica with his rich family on one of the “five flights a day to Miami” and became the first Jamaican Congressman in the US (being a white Jamaican no doubt helped), met a rude surprise from a don in Jones Town when he foolishly visited for nostalgic reasons (?)!! Aaah, the damn memories….

    Today, things have recovered and indeed improved to the point where Jamaica’s first ever inner-city robotics team, all Jones Town natives, actually boarded a plane for California and the FIRST LEGO League Robotics competition. Of course, this was some seven years ago (January 2006) but things have continued to progress by leaps and bounds (or is it bounds and leaps?). Even homosexuals are safe there inside Jones Town, as a few were safely rescued by police last year (was it last year?).

    Yes, that’s Kingston’s -- actually, St Andrew’s, although I believe Jones Town is either Kingston 7 or Kingston 12 (but who cares) -- historic community, where many outstanding personalities were conceived and, in some cases, raised.

    To cite just one example, saxophonist Dean Fraser was born there (sorry to disappoint you, guys, but Grace Jones is not from Jones Town but rather, that failed-state-within-a-state, Spanish Town).

    Think I’m joking about the fact that luminaries were conceived in the depths of wombs in Jones Town? I named only one, Dean Fraser, because I’m tired of typing and need something to eat. But before I go, let me throw another name to you doubters (not you, Assasin). Andrew Smalling, a JonesTowner by birth, became the first black person to be appointed chief of police in the City of Lauderdale in Florida (this happened in the summer of 2011).

    And the list goes on and on and on and on….

    So, big-up to Assasin and the Jones Town-ites! Respect!


    • #3
      Is the George Phang really an outsider?


      • #4
        If your reference to 900 people dying via the quaint euphemism of "apostolic socialism" is to the Eventide fire you indeed are victimized by senility or some mind altering substance.

        That atrocity was clearly designed to destabilize the Govt of the day and terrorize the population. only a fool would believe that a Govt would wish to so undermine itself...Perhaps you qualify for that designation.

        That tragedy bears all the hallmarks of a CIA operation as has been openly reported by ex-CIA agents involved in such operations. The fire accelerant of which traces were found could not be determined....it did n ot exist in Jamaica prior to that tragedy...but such things are trifles for the US Govt

        I believe the CIA forces operating in Jamaica at the time were not aligned with "apostolic socialism" but with Reverend Seaga and his merry band of Disciples.

        The same reality applies to Bob's assassination attempt just prior to the Smile Jamaica concert which was designed to be a morale booster by the Govt of the day

        You need both a reality check and a lesson in the political dynamics of the 1970s

        I'm happy to oblige
        Last edited by Don1; January 21, 2013, 08:13 PM.

        Recognizing the victims of Jamaica's horrendous criminality and exposing the Dummies like Dippy supporting criminals by their deeds.. or their silence.

        D1 - Xposing Dummies since 2007


        • #5
          I Loooooove This Forum! (LMAO)

          Boss, everything I stated is solid facts (except for my friendship with the American Congressman), but with a clever twist!

          I’m surprised that none of the intellectuals on this forum recognized that I actually superimposed TWO separate and completely unrelated set of circumstances on this social and historical palette that I created earlier this evening. One was a negative from Guyana and the other was positives from Kingston. The key was a pun on the name Jones Town (Jones Town in Jamaica and Jonestown in Guyana)!

          Specifically I’m referring to Jonestown in the jungles of Guyana where an American preacher by the name of Jim Jones established his Peoples Temple Agricultural Project, where he practiced the so-called “apostolic socialism.”

          Congressman Leo Ryan has absolutely no connections with Jamaica!!! He was the American Congressman who went to Guyana to investigate the activities of Jim Jones and was killed, along with an NBC television reporter and an NBC cameraman, among others.

          I simply superimposed the incidents at Jonestown in Guyana in late 1978, which culminated in a mass suicide (over 900 people were forced to drink cyanide-laced Kool Aid) with POSITIVE things from Jamaica’s Jones Town to create a contradictory palette of actual facts (mixed with the lie that I knew Leo Ryan in Jamaica).

          I just love this forum!!!!!!!!!


          • #6
            I see.

            That conflation of tragic issues is not amusing

            Recognizing the victims of Jamaica's horrendous criminality and exposing the Dummies like Dippy supporting criminals by their deeds.. or their silence.

            D1 - Xposing Dummies since 2007


            • #7
              yuh nah ansah Skengy question ?

              Tek time.. Don1 set pon spring !


              • #8
                Nope, I Will Not Answer Skengy!

                Originally posted by Muadib View Post
                yuh nah ansah Skengy question ?

                Muadib, my friend, I have absolutely no interest or intention of answering SkengD’s question! I will not because his question has no relevance whatsoever within the context of my post. (This is not meant to in any way disrespect you, Skengy; you are a valuable member of this forum. )

                Muadib, if you read my post, I did NOT make even a single negative reference to Jones Town in St. Andrew. I have no wish to engage in a discussion of political issues there. My negative references were all associated with an American religious cult that was established in Jonestown, Guyana,and which imploded in November 1978.

                My post was made with the simple objective of testing the alertness of my fellow posters. Unfortunately, no passing grade could be given in this case.


                • #9
                  Your flights of fancy in that post were convoluted to the point of inanity.

                  The only grade that stuff would be a good test for is high grade

                  Recognizing the victims of Jamaica's horrendous criminality and exposing the Dummies like Dippy supporting criminals by their deeds.. or their silence.

                  D1 - Xposing Dummies since 2007


                  • #10

                    *Bump*. Uh oh, sorry....

