Recognizing the victims of Jamaica's horrendous criminality and exposing the Dummies like Dippy supporting criminals by their deeds.. or their silence.
What I want is momentum to continue and efforts increased.
This is what all Jamaicaphiles want.
Tiad of the politrix and blame game. We need fi be able fi walk street ah night with little fear.
The likkle 46 decline in murders telling me that we have plateaued far too high and are in danger of an upsurge, based on the nature of Mobay rape/killings.
Rath man, why are people not up in arms??? Is a CRISIS to raaganaut.
Yuh dont get it do you. Mi tiad ah di blurtnaut blame game and posturing to push agendas.
Jamaica is in peril.
A year ago mi tell unno bout basket fi carry water, but man and man perfer fi dance Carnival and bask in pyhrric victories, when I TOLL unno seh the winner gwine feel like the loser. But nooo, some ah unno and the Tician dem think seh is bizniz as usual, evan as the Greeks was boxxing shyte ouuta hog bout. i was in greece in 2010, so mi see it fuss hand what a clock did a strike and try pass on that, but man tell me all kinda almshouse while studiously avaided dealing with the reality visible to anyone with open yes.
So we have the financial Tsunami, we have the opportunity lost for momentum gainst gunman, we have NO social contract, no plans, little cohesion outside of tracks and no real hope on the horizon. Nutten. Welcome to 2013.