Tax office to stop cheats from leaving the island
2012-12-13 10:53:42 | (0 Comments)

Persons waiting in line at the tax office in downtown, Kingston - file photo.
[COLOR=blue !important][COLOR=blue !important]Tax [COLOR=blue !important]Administration[/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR] Jamaica (TAJ) is warning persons who are [COLOR=blue !important][COLOR=blue !important]planning [COLOR=blue !important]to [/COLOR][COLOR=blue !important]travel[/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR] overseas and have outstanding [COLOR=blue !important][COLOR=blue !important]tax [COLOR=blue !important]liabilities[/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR] to resolve the matter speedily or face travel restrictions at the country's airports.
The TAJ says it will be issuing stop orders on delinquent taxpayers, who have undisputed liabilities and have been contacted but remain delinquent.
It said this will prevent such persons from leaving the island until the outstanding matters have been cleared or suitable written arrangements have been made to settle them.
This [COLOR=blue !important][COLOR=blue !important]tax [COLOR=blue !important]collection[/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR] activity forms part of the administration’s on-going debt collection strategy under the National Compliance Plan, to counter the prevalence of [COLOR=blue !important][COLOR=blue !important]tax [COLOR=blue !important]evasion[/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR] and wilful non-compliance.
However, persons in doubt are being encouraged to contact the TAJ’s Customer Care Centre at 1-888-TAXHELP begin_of_the_skype_highlighting
1-888-TAXHELP FREE end_of_the_skype_highlighting (829-4357) or the nearest Tax Office.
2012-12-13 10:53:42 | (0 Comments)

Persons waiting in line at the tax office in downtown, Kingston - file photo.
[COLOR=blue !important][COLOR=blue !important]Tax [COLOR=blue !important]Administration[/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR] Jamaica (TAJ) is warning persons who are [COLOR=blue !important][COLOR=blue !important]planning [COLOR=blue !important]to [/COLOR][COLOR=blue !important]travel[/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR] overseas and have outstanding [COLOR=blue !important][COLOR=blue !important]tax [COLOR=blue !important]liabilities[/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR] to resolve the matter speedily or face travel restrictions at the country's airports.
The TAJ says it will be issuing stop orders on delinquent taxpayers, who have undisputed liabilities and have been contacted but remain delinquent.
It said this will prevent such persons from leaving the island until the outstanding matters have been cleared or suitable written arrangements have been made to settle them.
This [COLOR=blue !important][COLOR=blue !important]tax [COLOR=blue !important]collection[/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR] activity forms part of the administration’s on-going debt collection strategy under the National Compliance Plan, to counter the prevalence of [COLOR=blue !important][COLOR=blue !important]tax [COLOR=blue !important]evasion[/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR] and wilful non-compliance.
However, persons in doubt are being encouraged to contact the TAJ’s Customer Care Centre at 1-888-TAXHELP begin_of_the_skype_highlighting
