<DIV class=article><SPAN class=bigtitle>Man to hang for killing Jamaican</SPAN> <P style="MARGIN-BOTTOM: 10px">By AZARD ALI Friday, March 30 2007<SCRIPT language=javascript type=text/javascript>var curPic=0;var artPics = new Array(); artPics[0] = new Array(); artPics[0]['src'] = '/galeria/mini/217-1a.jpg'; artPics[0]['link'] = 'http://www.newsday.co.tt/day/1,7699.html#foto'; artPics[0]['desc'] = 'Kelloy Koon Koon is led away yesterday after he was sentenced to death for the murder of a Jamaican. ...';function nextPic(id) { if ( curPic+id >= artPics.length ) { curPic=0; $('click').innerHTML=''; } else if (curPic+id < 0) { curPic=artPics.length; } else { curPic=curPic+id; } if (curPic!=0) $('click').innerHTML = 'click on pic to zoom in'; imgid = $('div_art_foto'); descid = $('art_foto_desc'); linkid = $('art_foto_link'); if (curPic!=0) { imgid.innerHTML='[img]'+artPics[curPic]['src']+'[/img]'; } else { imgid.innerHTML='[img]'+artPics[curPic]['src']+'[/img]'; } if(artPics[curPic]['desc'].length>0) descid.innerHTML = ''+artPics[curPic]['desc']+'' else descid.innerHTML = ''; } </SCRIPT><DIV style="FLOAT: right; PADDING-BOTTOM: 2px; MARGIN-LEFT: 10px; WIDTH: 202px; TEXT-ALIGN: center" align=center><DIV id=click style="HEIGHT: 15px">click on pic to zoom in</DIV><DIV id=div_art_foto style="MARGIN-TOP: 10px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 10px; HEIGHT: 200px">
</DIV><DIV id=art_foto_desc style="BORDER-RIGHT: #e9e9e9 1px solid; BORDER-TOP: #e9e9e9 1px solid; MARGIN-LEFT: 10px; BORDER-LEFT: #e9e9e9 1px solid; WIDTH: 180px; BORDER-BOTTOM: #e9e9e9 1px solid; HEIGHT: 40px"><SPAN class=mini>Kelloy Koon Koon is led away yesterday after he was sentenced to death for the murder of a Jamaican. ...</SPAN></DIV></DIV><P class=article style="MARGIN-BOTTOM: 15px">NEWSDAY’s story of a murder featured prominently in the San Fernando High Court which resulted in a man being held, tried and convicted for the crime. Kelloy Koon Koon, 23, of La Brea, was yesterday sentenced to death by Justice Devan Rampersad for the murder of Jamaican Mark Brown.<P class=article>Koon Koon, of High Road, was charged with shooting Brown to death on February 1, 2003. The State led evidence that Koon Koon met Brown in the United States and became friends.
Brown came to Trinidad for the Carnival and had stayed at Koon Koon’s home in La Brea.
Senior State Attorney Tricia Hudlin, called 22 witnesses, one of whom was present during the killing – Kennis Neptune. He testified that he drove Koon Koon to Point Fortin where they picked up Brown.
Neptune told Justice Rampersad and a jury of 12 members that he drove to San Fernando, then to Debe to purchase doubles.
The witness testified that Koon Koon asked him to drive to the M2 Ring Road where he pulled to the side of the road. Leaving Koon Koon seated in the front seat and Brown in back, Neptune told the court

Brown came to Trinidad for the Carnival and had stayed at Koon Koon’s home in La Brea.
Senior State Attorney Tricia Hudlin, called 22 witnesses, one of whom was present during the killing – Kennis Neptune. He testified that he drove Koon Koon to Point Fortin where they picked up Brown.
Neptune told Justice Rampersad and a jury of 12 members that he drove to San Fernando, then to Debe to purchase doubles.
The witness testified that Koon Koon asked him to drive to the M2 Ring Road where he pulled to the side of the road. Leaving Koon Koon seated in the front seat and Brown in back, Neptune told the court