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Regarding Captain Barkey

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  • Regarding Captain Barkey

    no excuse fi double murder....
    Repost regarding Captain Barkey’s (reggae singer) murder in the Bronx
    Tea from a commenter on NYdailynews.com:

    PRAYERFORTHEM2 hours ago
    Let this be a lesson to all men and women--be careful and cognizant of the people you choose to make your partner and progenitor of your children. Joseph was absolutely wrong in what he did but Tracey was no saint, not only to Joseph but her very own children. Tracey, was an absolute abomination to women and the reason why men are so distrustful of women. He took her in when she had an illegitimate child, paid for her nursing degree, a home and numerous cars. He had so many properties he purchased and put many of them under her name. When he discovered her infidelities, he demanded that she relinquish his properties and access to his bank accounts, she in turn refused and used much of the money on her exploits with this Wayne fellow.

    Joseph even gave her money to pay for plastic surgery and she in turned u...
    sed it on her lover. Let's not mention that she was being sued by her very own daughter for abandonment and neglect. Karma is so real, and when you betray people and use them when they have only done right by you, what you get in return is what you sowed. I mean, how likely is that a man, a Haitian man at that, would take a woman in with a child that wasn't his? I cannot have sympathy for such an unscrupulous woman, who went around cavorting with a married man while neglecting her very own children, whom I may mention Joseph was taking care of, there were times he would go into the house and find the children abandoned, soiled and hungry while she was out "at work" (nursing definitely lends itself to all justifiable hours)--his rage obviously manifested in a violent way and unfortunately everyone lost.

    Was it really worth it? Don't bite the hand that feeds you, moreover don't take what isn't rightfully yours ladies and gentlemen, but ladies in particular. If only people knew the real story behind this tangled mess they would understand that Joe did not kill out of jealously but out of Tracey's ridiculous greed. He had given her many chances to do right and give him back his properties and money, and her brazen philandering with HIS own hard-earned money is enough to send even the most placid and indifferent person into a fit of unadulterated rage. RIP Joe.

    Many of you are rejoicing, but men tell me, if you were robbed entirely out of millions by a woman that you had taken out of the gutter, only to have her using your money on another man, how would you feel? And I'm sure half the women out there would love for their partners to do even a fraction for them what Joe did for Tracey.
    Evil begets evil. And take care of your kids people.
    Winning means you're willing to go longer, work harder, and give more than anyone else - Vince Lombardi

  • #2
    No not an excuse but if it is even nearly true it is something of an explanation for what happened. I believe most of us have some scenario that could cause us to snap and do something we regret for life.

    To quote Chris Rock re OJ: "I'm not saying he should have killed her, but I understand"
    "‎It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men" - Frederick Douglass


    • #3
      No excuse really...all the SIGNS were there for him to see, he caused his own downfall, wrote his own script, murderer.


      • #4
        well he ended up murdering himself too

        Infidelity does not consist in believing, or in disbelieving; it consists in professing to believe what he does not believe. Thomas Paine


        • #5

