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  • Reggaedoc...

    ...your posts seem to indicate that only one class/hue of person is able to make money in Jamaica...as far as I know...you have migrated to the USA...why don't you use the millions of dollars you have earned in the US (those of darker hue and middle class can make it in the US and not Jamaica going by your logic) and invest in a mineral bath or fix the infrastructure in Portland and bus tourists in to attractions that you have set up?

  • #2
    Protecting the financial interest of a particular group/hue is exactly what crony capitalism is. You see anybody else making it big in Jamaica:s crony capitalism. A certain sector have had 50 years of free run to do what they want, not what Jamaica needs and here we are 50 years later struggling to export the scrap metal of a decaying economy. They were given all the loans, tax incentives, custom dduty cancellations, infrastructure development etc that they wanted and they, still can't deliver. Yet these haberdashers have amassed considerable wealth and very little had been added to the economy. If all they can do is resell then give the incentive to the regular higglers. That would bring far more people out of poverty than all the handouts that the high colour higglers, masking as investors have gotten over the last 5 decades. Now they want to bully CARICOM and Trinidad because they have parasitized Jamaica to the Max and have ran out of local victims.


    • #3
      Yuh gone off on a tangent...you found a way out by migrating to the USA...why don't you return with your wealth and deliver?


      • #4
        How many Jamaicans who made abroad want and are used to a competitive open capitalist would want to go back to doing business under a crony system where success is largely dependent on connections which is in effect connected to family ties which is connected to last name which is connected to hue which is connected to ............. It would be insane.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Reggaedoc View Post
          How many Jamaicans who made abroad want and are used to a competitive open capitalist would want to go back to doing business under a crony system where success is largely dependent on connections which is in effect connected to family ties which is connected to last name which is connected to hue which is connected to ............. It would be insane.
          Jamaica runs on one thing...cash...bring yours and put it where your mouth is...or just badmind those who have made it on a messageboard...it's up to you


          • #6
            crony capitalism in NOT about hue! A wheddi..?

            Jamaica shambolics runs across all races and ethnicities, and there are a few exceptions across all groupings as well.

            The real problem in Jamaica is that many black people get rich and switch!

            Bully Trinidad? Do U have any idea of the samfie the Trinis pull? Did U know our economy was way better theirs in 1990? Steeuuups.
            Last edited by Willi; October 19, 2012, 03:13 PM.


            • #7
              Yuh mean like GENETIC connections?? Yuh realize that is BLACK people mi talk bout, right?


              • #8
                Originally posted by Reggaedoc View Post
                How many Jamaicans who made abroad want and are used to a competitive open capitalist would want to go back to doing business under a crony system where success is largely dependent on connections which is in effect connected to family ties which is connected to last name which is connected to hue which is connected to ............. It would be insane.
                Quite a few.




                Hopefully more will follow


                • #9
                  Shhh...the race baiting makes him feel good about himself


                  • #10
                    Mi know of many English Jams who return to Mandeville area and start bizniz, an from decades ago...so yuh right!


                    • #11
                      But it is a violation of REALITY.

                      All kind a numbah at play in Jamaica. He can only see one aspect.

                      Him sound like a WaBenzy socialist!


                      • #12
                        Our economy was better than Trinidad's in the 1990s?. The Trinidadian economy is an oil-based economy, and was far as I can remember Jamaica has never has a better economy than Trinidad, since they started to exploit oil. That is a figment of your imagination. In fact, since the 1970s Jamaica has been bailed out on several occasions by Trinidad. I am not proud of saying that but the truth is the truth.


                        • #13
                          it's called self hate...


                          • #14
                            I said in 1990, and mi naah ask yuh. Mi a tell yuh!

                            I was an investment analyst focussed on TnT Banking sector whose fortunes depended on the underlying economy. Dis is before Omar wuk him magic.


                            • #15
                              I have to call it as i see it. Race matters in Jamaica, despite what you are trying to fooling yourself or others into thinking. Quite frankly you have to be extremely naive or dishonest to not se that. The problem is, Jamaica has never had an open and honest discussion on race. We conveniently shove it under the rug, but it is not going to go away. Brazil thought they could have done that, Columbia thought they could have done that, Cuba thought they could have done that, the DR thought they could have done that, Australia thought they could have done that. I could go on and on. The only thing is all these countries found out that they can deny it no more. We are still in denial.

