I know. It is one thing to criticize her ideas, but to make personal attacks like that will make any further critiques appear vacuous, and rather suspicious.
Miss Lou wasn't a racist. Some might consider her a great satirist, whlie others might have considered he a damn Jamaican fool. Ironically, I wasn't a great Miss Lou fan. Maybe I just never studied her enough.
The only problem is we might be sitting on a powder keg. It blew up before, when I was a little boy. The Chinese business poeple used to abuse their workers, and one went overboard. Thinking that Jamaica black people would not respond, they bacmae very comfortable in their abusive ways. The result was the Chinese riot of the 60's. I still remember it to this day. Black Jamaicans said no more, and the rest was history. That pretty much ended the Chinese misbehaviours towards Jamaicans of African descent. It's only a matter of time before the keg explodes again. Only this time it won't be petrol bombs, but God forbid M16s and Uzi's. Everybody has a limit. Sad to say but true. There are many examples around the world to go by. Look at Vietnam, the Society pages there were filled with Vietnamese who had plastic surgery to change the contours of their eyes so that they can appear more like the European oppressors, then the oppressed got tired of the BS, and we all know what resulted. It might sound like Cooper is only engaging in an intelectual exercise, but her observations might have far reaching implications. Society needs to pay attention.