Oh Lord, Pryce messes up prayer!
Published: Wednesday | September 26, 2012 Comments 0

Edmond Campbell, Senior Staff Reporter
First he wanted to change the Queen as Head of State; then he amended the House prayer by refusing to pray for Her Majesty. Now Member of Parliament for North East St. Elizabeth, Raymond Pryce has sought forgiveness for stumbling on the Lord's Prayer, after he was asked to pray at the start of a committee meeting yesterday.
Pryce's committee colleagues could not keep their composure after the MP struggled to stay on track with the widely known prayer scripted in St Matthew 6:9-13.
The North East St Elizabeth MP has already made headlines in his short time in the House of Representatives, after challenging Opposition MP J.C. Hutchinson while he was on his feet during a sitting that ended in uproar and a walkout by the latter's colleagues on his side of the aisle.
Pryce and others were later asked to tender apologies for their "behaviour" which brought the sitting of the House into disrepute. In making atonement, Pryce delivered an exegesis on the biblical story of Jonah, likening himself to the religious character.
Recently, controversial MP Everald Warmington rebuked Pryce for tweaking a section of the House prayer, changing the words which offer prayer to The Queen by replacing them with prayer for the people of Jamaica.
Yesterday, when committee chairman Audley Shaw asked Pryce to offer a prayer at the beginning of the meeting, the North East St Elizabeth MP quickly acquiesced.
Said Pryce: "Let us pray. Our Father who art in Heaven, holy be your name, your Kingdom come, your will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven. Give us today our daily bread and forgive us, those who sin against us, lead us not into temptation, forgive those who sin against us, lead us not in ... . Mr Chairman, please forgive me, let me start again."
Published: Wednesday | September 26, 2012 Comments 0

Edmond Campbell, Senior Staff Reporter
First he wanted to change the Queen as Head of State; then he amended the House prayer by refusing to pray for Her Majesty. Now Member of Parliament for North East St. Elizabeth, Raymond Pryce has sought forgiveness for stumbling on the Lord's Prayer, after he was asked to pray at the start of a committee meeting yesterday.
Pryce's committee colleagues could not keep their composure after the MP struggled to stay on track with the widely known prayer scripted in St Matthew 6:9-13.
The North East St Elizabeth MP has already made headlines in his short time in the House of Representatives, after challenging Opposition MP J.C. Hutchinson while he was on his feet during a sitting that ended in uproar and a walkout by the latter's colleagues on his side of the aisle.
Pryce and others were later asked to tender apologies for their "behaviour" which brought the sitting of the House into disrepute. In making atonement, Pryce delivered an exegesis on the biblical story of Jonah, likening himself to the religious character.
Recently, controversial MP Everald Warmington rebuked Pryce for tweaking a section of the House prayer, changing the words which offer prayer to The Queen by replacing them with prayer for the people of Jamaica.
Yesterday, when committee chairman Audley Shaw asked Pryce to offer a prayer at the beginning of the meeting, the North East St Elizabeth MP quickly acquiesced.
Said Pryce: "Let us pray. Our Father who art in Heaven, holy be your name, your Kingdom come, your will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven. Give us today our daily bread and forgive us, those who sin against us, lead us not into temptation, forgive those who sin against us, lead us not in ... . Mr Chairman, please forgive me, let me start again."