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Problem or not?

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  • Problem or not?


    Problem or not? Porn movie sparks questions about morals in Jamaican film industry
    Published: Sunday | September 16, 2012 1 Comment
    Haley Sweet. - Contributed
    Haley Sweet. - Contributed
    1 2 3 >

    Curtis Campbell, Gleaner Writer

    At least two local film directors have distanced themselves from what could develop into a booming industry, this following the recent filming of an adult movie by an international porn star on local soil.

    Haley Sweet was recently in Jamaica capturing footage for her upcoming adult movie which also features Jamaican actors.

    Despite the lush financial opportunities associated with porn, the directors say 'No, not in Jamaica'.

    Award-winning movie director Storm Saulter, known for the internationally renowned film Betta Mus Come, told The Sunday Gleaner that the money involved in the porn industry could not make him relinquish his morals.

    "I am not a big fan of a porn industry in Jamaica. It is a big money-making business, but I think that the industry can lead to human trafficking and the abuse of women, so I am not in that mix. Serious film directors don't direct porn," Saulter said.

    Grammy-winning producer-turned-film director Diavallon Fearon also shunned the idea of developing a vibrant porn industry in Jamaica, although he did admit that the money was tempting.

    "Porn is more business than anything else. It boils down to the choice of people. It's life choice, and people do what they want to do. It is for adult entertainment and not for kids and since society is more liberal, adults can choose what they want to view and we have no authority to bash people. I think about it sometimes, but as a Rasta man you have to know what you do because the consequence far outweigh the profits," Fearon said.

    The Blind Shottas director also shares the view that pornography can be extremely harmful.

    "The porn industry is one of the industries that mash up wi society. Cable mash up the place, and porn is a big part of that. It brings society to Sodom days," he continued.

    "As a director and professional, if I was hired to direct a porn film for some real good money, I would direct it. But I would not make a porn movie under my brand," Fearon said.


    Entertainment attorney-at-law Charles 'Advoket' Ganga-Singh who represented Busy Signal during his legal woes, told The Sunday Gleaner, that Jamaican law does not provide legislation against the production of porn movies.

    "As long as the actors were adults and are in a solid mental capacity - as in, not drugged - there is nothing wrong with it. Also, as long as the sexual acts performed were not illegal, as in anal sex, there is nothing wrong. There is no fixed law or act that discusses protocols on porn films because we are not that advanced as a film industry to have that legislation in place. Maybe we should, but we have not reached that point as yet," Ganga-singh said.

    In the meantime, Jamaica Promotions Corporation says persons wishing to film projects in Jamaica are expected to apply for a local film licence.

    "Film licences attract a non-refundable fee of US$300. Payment can be by cheque payable to Jamaica Promotions Corporation or via wire transfer - the application form and wire transfer details are attached. Clients should provide a synopsis of the project as well as a company profile. All productions must employ a customs broker who will assist with clearing equipment using the bond waiver facility," the Corporation said via a release.

    The film Jamaica website states that over 150 films are shot in Jamaica annually. The mantra on the website reads:"So you've got the production, we've got the location.

  • #2
    "As a director and professional, if I was hired to direct a porn film for some real good money, I would direct it. But I would not make a porn movie under my brand," Fearon said.

    Rastaman???? Woeeiiii

