Yu nih si mi signature? It is in honour of those ads. Geico.com...so easy a caveman can do it. My favorite one is the one where the guy is in an airport on the moving walkwayand he notices the geico poster out of the corner of his eye and walks back to make sure he saw what he thought he saw. The look of indignation on his face was classic. The commercial said so much without having a single word of dialogue in it. Absolutely brilliant. (Clap) - T.K.
quote. (pardon me there). Yes the one at the airport is the landmark of them all , I even hum the song at times (everywhere I go.........) I like the one with the therapist (let me put my mom on speaker ... LOL ) I saw on the net where Disney wants to make a mini series out of it. Geico says they are only interested in advertising but if disney wants to brand it, they don't mind. Trust me this is a marketing lesson for all corporations; between the lizard and the cave man, Geico is making themselves a household name. BTW I got Geico as my auto insurance. Long before the commercials though.
<DIV>They are hilarious! And that British accent of the lizard - wikkid! Maybe an Indian accent would have been funnier but ve vouldn't understand a thing! </DIV><DIV></DIV><DIV>http://youtube.com/watch?v=phh68THJ5...ted&search=</DIV>