In a previous post you asked,
I noticed that you have no sympathy for ALLEGED drug dealers, yet our governing party is caught either taking a bribe, tekking taxpayers' monies or some corrupt act and yuh want it swept under the carpet? Come now bredren, be consistent.
What yuh must ask is why the Jamaican police nuh start investigate this issue yet. In real world countries agencies like the FBI and Scotland Yard would be on this issue like fly pon shaving cream
but in Jamaica we want it gone?
Why did the Governor of Connecticut guh a prison? Why did the Mayor of PAterson NJ guh a prison?
One of the worst tyrants this earth ever encountered once said, "What luck for leaders when men don't think!" That statement is true when it comes to Jamaica.
Is it only me who is tired of the JLP beating the hell out of the Trafigura issue?
What yuh must ask is why the Jamaican police nuh start investigate this issue yet. In real world countries agencies like the FBI and Scotland Yard would be on this issue like fly pon shaving cream

Why did the Governor of Connecticut guh a prison? Why did the Mayor of PAterson NJ guh a prison?
One of the worst tyrants this earth ever encountered once said, "What luck for leaders when men don't think!" That statement is true when it comes to Jamaica.