"Dem boy deh a baby killer and we don't want them around here," one woman said. "You can go look fi kill baby? Bad name dem waan gi we".
While Principalities and Powers are scheming to keep power the fabric is eroding.. rotting.. why should a place like Jamaica dance to theinsane tune of a minority ?
WE need to decide what is the Priority.. not some jaded politician looking for another term..
Any person with an ounce of decency would have resigned, instead the opposite is ocurring.
Time for talking dun. If you don't know your enemy you are already lost.
While Principalities and Powers are scheming to keep power the fabric is eroding.. rotting.. why should a place like Jamaica dance to theinsane tune of a minority ?
WE need to decide what is the Priority.. not some jaded politician looking for another term..
Any person with an ounce of decency would have resigned, instead the opposite is ocurring.
Time for talking dun. If you don't know your enemy you are already lost.