1. We have already produced the 20th Century's leading liberator (from mental slavery) of Black people... Marcus Garvey- founder of Pan African movement & inspiration of the African de-colonization movement & creator of the largest mass movement of Blacks..the UNIA
2. Reggae...a worldwide phenomenon as the only global pop music created outside Babylon power its finest form a force for cultural empowerment
3. Jamaica itself is a global brand the top 3-4 national brands recognized around the world....driven by music, sport & just the "Jamaican vibe"...driving many to be "followers"
4.We have millions strategically placed in main Babylon power centers...NYC, London, Toronto etc
Time to put it all together and get serious & organized....tun up di Knowledge Industry..... others will follow our lead.. Memba mi tole unnu
Enuff Yappin....
1. We have already produced the 20th Century's leading liberator (from mental slavery) of Black people... Marcus Garvey- founder of Pan African movement & inspiration of the African de-colonization movement & creator of the largest mass movement of Blacks..the UNIA
2. Reggae...a worldwide phenomenon as the only global pop music created outside Babylon power its finest form a force for cultural empowerment
3. Jamaica itself is a global brand the top 3-4 national brands recognized around the world....driven by music, sport & just the "Jamaican vibe"...driving many to be "followers"
4.We have millions strategically placed in main Babylon power centers...NYC, London, Toronto etc
Time to put it all together and get serious & organized....tun up di Knowledge Industry..... others will follow our lead.. Memba mi tole unnu
Enuff Yappin....
