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While the likkle Monkeys play 'analyst'

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  • While the likkle Monkeys play 'analyst'

    <CALO was an artificial intelligence project funded by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA)[1] under its Personalized Assistant that Learns (PAL) program. Its five-year contract brought together 300+ researchers from 25 of the top university and commercial research institutions, with the goal of building a new generation of cognitive assistants that can reason, learn from experience, be told what to do, explain what they are doing, reflect on their experience, and respond robustly to surprise. SRI International was the lead integrator responsible for coordinating the effort to produce an assistant that can live with and learn from its users, provide value to them, and then pass a yearly evaluation that measures how well the system has learned to do its job.>

    The future is already written.. ignorance is bliss doh.. be happy !

    Two yappers from the lawfirm of DonBrick and Clown not even know what di clock is.. much less what it a strike...

    lol ! woiee !

  • #2
    SIRI has failed its first evaluation...back to the future


    • #3
      Siri has already passed all the relevent evaluations.. the Monkey feedback is amusing yet quite irrelevant in the scheme of things..


      • #4
        Really? Then why are users dissatisfied with its performance?

        In exchange for surrendering control and submitting to that heftier price tag, I expect Apple products to simply work. That's all. If you use Apple products, I suspect you made a similar bargain.

        And so when I first saw the ads for Siri, I expected something remarkable, like I always do with Apple products. The first true consumer-grade AI. Can you imagine how amazing it would be to have a real intelligent assistant on your phone?

        After playing with Siri for more than a month, I'm still waiting to find out. Instead of an intelligent assistant I found a lie, and worse, a broken promise.


        • #5
          Some ah dem watch too much Star Trek !

          The future is already written.. unnuh gwine get what Apple feel unnuh muss get.. when unnuh muss get it..

          Siri gwine have unnuh all ah talk tuh unnuh toastah..

          lol ! woiee !


          • #6
            Originally posted by Muadib View Post
            Some ah dem watch too much Star Trek !
            Or just too many Apple commercials...you know like the commercials that make false claims in regard to SIRI's abilities...


            • #7
              which claims are False, which abilities are in question ?


              • #8
                SIRI is so wildly successful, Adam challenge right now is equipping the Cloud Servers fast enough to match demand..

                The rate of expansion of the server hardware and the human resource limitation (SIRI is not avaliable to outside developers) is the bottleneck.. not SIRI software capablities..

                SIRI addicts eagerly await the new version.. that is how you administer a proper drug addiction program.. watch and learn yute..


                • #9
                  You have already been provided with that information in a previous thread regarding SIRI...unlike SIRI I don't do "redundant"

