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Willi - Milk River Bath

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  • Willi - Milk River Bath

    Willi - just to rehash our past conversations on this. I was in the vicinity on Monday and went to observe the property.

    I am not convinced that I would use it! I just didn't like the look of things.
    Life is a system of half-truths and lies, opportunistic, convenient evasion.”
    - Langston Hughes

  • #2
    Milk River Bath is probably the most under-utilized, under-marketed, under-capitalized product we have in Jamaica. For a place that's supposed to be so special and World-ranked in terms of its radioactivity and minerals, it is disappointedly run-down....

    These national treasures should be removed from local government control and brought under a national agency that can provide adequate funding and management OR partner with some private sector group. However, the access must remain to the people. Additional spa facilities and appropriate accommodation and improved overall facilities would be welcomed and the money used to upgrade and improve and manage the facilities.

    Milk River remains in an anachronistic time warp....in 2012.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Exile View Post
      These national treasures should be removed from local government control and brought under a national agency that can provide adequate funding and management OR partner with some private sector group. However, the access must remain to the people.
      Yuh can't have your cake and eat it too...government cannot provide the funding...private sector not funding nuttin fi free...if you want a world class facility then "the people" will have to pay their fair share...


      • #4
        yuh mean like Dolphin Cove ?


        • #5
          There doesn't have to be a conflict. You can still have the 'public' baths with nominal fees AND the up-scale spa and facilities for those who can afford. There's enough land and water. Of course the access roads are a mess too.


          • #6
            Totally different situation.


            • #7
              yuh right bout dat.. one is a first class operation and attraction.. the other is.. a criminal waste of a resource..

              probably some kind of warped 'socialist' philosophy at the root...


              • #8
                people haffi eat food and get proper schooling and health services.. maximize the earning potential and kalleck taxes and put people to work..

                unnuh need to get unnuh priorties in ordah...


                • #9
                  Can you just stick to the subject matter? Can you just hold your concentration for a minute? Can you stop being so trite?


                  • #10
                    Didn't they have some serious animal health issues recently???? People get way with anything a Ja.


                    • #11
                      but I am.. Carnival Cruise did offer to tek over Ochi and di Govt balk..

                      People muss know when dem cyaan manage and duh di right ting...

                      Some farin white man or chiney need to tek over that entire area wid a long term lease and tun it into a oasis.. need Visa to get in... Milk di place for all its worth.. after dem mek back dem money ah we dat..


                      • #12
                        All our Governments have failed on Milk River despite some low-key improvements...yes, it needs an injection of funds...can't we use some the drug money proceeds for this?....time to sell sm prime property and seize cars, boats etc....


                        • #13
                          dem need tuh turn dat area into a Palm Springs type resort.. need bout $500 Million an wi pretty...

                          after dem sort out di Vernamfield ting can roll out dat.. Private jets can land a Vernam field and den chauffer to dem Dry Climate Villas... dem can guh di 5 Star Sap ah dem pleasure..

                          That is what would happend in a normal country not ridden with quixotic philosphies.. it tek almost 40 years before certain type realize seh ruling in hell is not what it is cut out to be and dem not smarter than the rest of the world...

                          How many had to suffer, how many had to die.. don't ask me why...


                          • #14
                            Den the natives will start protesting that the airstrip should be named Shaka Zulu International...and one bag a rae rae...and why dem buil airport fi white man go soak inna mineral bath...


                            • #15
                              not if dem belly full... and dem too busy working to be yapping..

