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Removal of Privy Council needs no referendum

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Plush View Post
    Everything is Politics to you right? You are so blinded by this JLP PNP follishness that you can see reason when it stares you in they eye.. The are gument your brought up is totally ireelevant but you can't see that because of your Politics blindfold..
    Nobody is asking to get rid of a final court...Its to replace it...Are you saying that CCJ can't come to the same conclusion or ask the same questions like the one you referred to re. example above....Independent judges taken from other Caribbean islands can't adjuge like the ones in UK? How about we move the final Court to the US or switzerland, or China...What makes the privy council so different? And are you saying that the Privy council or any final Court for that matter has never wronfully uphold a murder or any other conviction? These are not Gods that sit on that Council, you know right...I repeat, mental slavery at best
    When unuh cannot make a point unuh resort to claiming one is being tribalist or political. I am being no more political than you are Plush. Why the big resistance to a referendum. The result would put any argument to rest ... the people would have made their voices heard. If money can spend pon a tune fi Ja 50 that ppl nuh want ... why we cyaan spen the money and get this right once and for all?

    I wonder if AJ had taken a different position how many of you would be singing a different tune? Again, look at what other countries went thru ... and learn from their mistakes.
    "Jamaica's future reflects its past, having attained only one per cent annual growth over 30 years whilst neighbours have grown at five per cent." (Article)


    • #17
      Tell me, what other countries went through because they didn't have a referendum....I'm no JLPNP. I'm for what is right and I can't wait for the breakaway from this UK rule....I'm very weak on history so I cares not or hadnt a clue about PJ Legacy.
      I know though that it is shameful to be running to briton for final judgement especially when they don't even want you there in the first place


      • #18
        Originally posted by Plush View Post
        Tell me, what other countries went through because they didn't have a referendum....I'm no JLPNP. I'm for what is right and I can't wait for the breakaway from this UK rule....I'm very weak on history so I cares not or hadnt a clue about PJ Legacy.
        I know though that it is shameful to be running to briton for final judgement especially when they don't even want you there in the first place
        Wanting change is one thing ... how you go about it is another. Belize for example it was a political football for years before the CCJ became their final court. I am of the view if they had the input of the people ... the so called leaders couldn't play games with the issue.

        Again, if in towns people voting on something as simple as increasing a school budget, why can't Jamaicans vote for or against the CCJ? Respected constitutional attorney Dr. Lloyd Barnett is of the view it should be put to a referendum ... the JFJ thinks it should be put to the people.

        Simply make the people know the direction unuh want to go and let them vote on the matter. I don't see the reason for the resistance.
        "Jamaica's future reflects its past, having attained only one per cent annual growth over 30 years whilst neighbours have grown at five per cent." (Article)


        • #19
          Was the Bill/Charter of rights put to the public? Was 15 year sentence for gun crimes put to the public? Please tell me what laww or any changes that were put to the public in Jamaica over the last 20 years...why this sudden change...This is about politics and nothing more.
          LEt me ask this question...Do you think majority of Jamaican voters can make an informed decision? Be careful now because they did vote in the PNP...landslide victory which you think was a bad decision.....I do think the average man on the street is not at the level to make an informed decision about this....
          I keep a community beauty pageant in Jamaica every year and I'm pretty sure I've asked this question before...People cursed about giving hard questions like this and made it clear that no one knows or care about the difference/benefis about privy council vs CCJ. People will vote party lines and that's it..Now will that accomplish what we want as a people? I hardly think so...I wouldn't be surprised if people vote to get rid of the privy council just because PNP tell them to do so

