when the previous gov't implemented a wage freeze the masses knocked Bruce and Shaw. Not only the masses but the then opposition called them uncaring and insisted it was due to mismanagement. People said the gov't acted in an arrogant manner in how they went about the wage freeze.
Well .. now dat unuh religious entity is now in charge. What is this I'm hearing about wage freeze again? Estimates of Expenditure has been tabled and to my understanding there is nothing allocated for wage increase.
(no one naah complain how dem tek unuh fi fool now?)
So what does this mean? Is this current gov't arrogant and uncaring? Wha unuh ago duh now? Mi notice the deafening silence on the potential wage freeze I guess ppl a bite dem lip and brace demselves.
At least the spin master pon the radio a duh a ting. After hauling the previous gov't over the coals when they took a stand ... we now hear dem praising the current gov't bout they showing political maturity. LOL.
Well .. now dat unuh religious entity is now in charge. What is this I'm hearing about wage freeze again? Estimates of Expenditure has been tabled and to my understanding there is nothing allocated for wage increase.

So what does this mean? Is this current gov't arrogant and uncaring? Wha unuh ago duh now? Mi notice the deafening silence on the potential wage freeze I guess ppl a bite dem lip and brace demselves.
At least the spin master pon the radio a duh a ting. After hauling the previous gov't over the coals when they took a stand ... we now hear dem praising the current gov't bout they showing political maturity. LOL.