For man to know himself is for him to feel that for him there is no human master. For him Nature
is his servant, and whatsoever he wills in Nature, that shall be his reward. If he wills to be a
pigmy, a serf or a slave, that shall he be. If he wills to be a real man in possession of the things
common to man, then he shall be his own sovereign.
When man fails to grasp his authority he sinks to the level of the lower animals, and whatsoever
the real man bids him do, even as if it were of the lower animals, that much shall he do. If he
says "go." He goes. If he says "come," he comes. By this command he performs the functions of
life even as by a similar command the mule, the horse, the cow performs the will of their
For the last four hundred years the Negro has been in the position of being commanded
even as the lower animals are controlled. Our race has been without a will; without a purpose of
its own, for all this length of time. Because of that we have developed few men who are able to
understand the strenuousness of the age in which we live.
is his servant, and whatsoever he wills in Nature, that shall be his reward. If he wills to be a
pigmy, a serf or a slave, that shall he be. If he wills to be a real man in possession of the things
common to man, then he shall be his own sovereign.
When man fails to grasp his authority he sinks to the level of the lower animals, and whatsoever
the real man bids him do, even as if it were of the lower animals, that much shall he do. If he
says "go." He goes. If he says "come," he comes. By this command he performs the functions of
life even as by a similar command the mule, the horse, the cow performs the will of their
For the last four hundred years the Negro has been in the position of being commanded
even as the lower animals are controlled. Our race has been without a will; without a purpose of
its own, for all this length of time. Because of that we have developed few men who are able to
understand the strenuousness of the age in which we live.