the crocs not doing anything for me ... but I can forgive her ...easy to tek off like de rest of de costume and de nex one in running shoes... sensible though...
Squash the two end one together to make one to match up to my speed.
Hey .. look at the bright side .... at least you're not a Liverpool fan! - Lazie 2/24/10Paul Marin -19 is one thing, 20 is a whole other matter. It gets even worse if they win the UCL. *groan*. 05/18/2011.MU fans naah cough, but all a unuh a vomit?-Lazie 1/11/2015
Not yet... Carnival a la Trini starts with daily fetes after Christmas and has more to it than just the street parades... Trinidad Kiddies Carnival maintains the original traditions of Carnival in terms of costuming and is pretty big , from the traditional perspective it is much better than the adults which is now bikini and beads... and their competitions run for four or five weekends leading to carnival There are the various competitions; steel band, calypso monarch, soca monarch , chutney monarch, what they call ole mas, calypso tents that run nightly for weeks leading up, and it is celebrated in all major towns the entire country... there are the junior versions of the major competitions not to mention schools is not an official holiday on Monday and Tuesday but banks close , schools close and when those two close many businesses not in the entertainment area (restaurants e.g. ) close as well. In short everyone is affected by carnival in T&T... we have a way to go yet to get that big... and I don't see it happening nation-wide. the carnival will probably get bigger still
Don't see it either. Its not in the DNA of our culture the way it is in T&T.
New Orleans' Mardi Gras seems to be like T&T carnival. Activities start early in the New Year, business in the city basically stops (other than restaurants, airports, etc) from the weekend before Ash Wednesday and everyone is involved in celebrating it at some level. Had a really good time there this year.
"It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men" - Frederick Douglass