Class is in session students...take your seats...Mosiah stop hitting MyYout wit di ruler...GazX pull up yuh uniform pants you not on the Gaza now...
This above is what causes Type 2 diabetes...the "natural herbs" you are advocating for can lower your blood sugar...reducing the amount of insulin secreted by the pancreas thus avoiding the onset of is not a treatment for is a treatment for those at risk to developing diabetes, due to lifestyle choices, to avoid the onset of diabetes...YOU CANNOT SUCCESSFULLY TREAT DIABETES WITH BLOOD SUGAR LOWERING SUPPLEMENTS AS AT THIS POINT IT IS TOO LATE....THE PANCREAS HAS STOPPED PRODUCING INSULIN...YOUR BODY NEEDS INSULIN...WHERE IS IT GOING TO GET IT FROM YOU THICK HEADED PICKNEYS?
You eat something and the stomach and intestines breaks the food down into glucose. The cells need glucose for energy, but for the cells to be able to use glucose they also need insulin which the pancreas emits in the response to glucose. The body, however, can become resistant to using the insulin if there are certain factors occurring, in particular excess fat. So the glucose stays in the blood, which makes the pancreas secrete more insulin. Eventually the pancreas gets tired, very tired and gives up. That's when pre-diabetes becomes diabetes.