Wid chube pre/proamp control amp and 7 channel powah amp? Yuh nuh easy!
Dat can manage di double 15s with electrostatic tweetah...since mi hear seh is not double 18...but a small step down ...
Depends on how efficient your speakers are. If over 95db efficient, then you can even use a mini-watt tube amp that only puts out like 3.5w.
You only need a flea amp with hi-eff speakers (over 98db) to make them roar. Even a 1.5w amp...
Do a search on this high quality (free) online audio magazine. http://www.tonepublications.com/
They have reviewed flea watt amps there and prices are not super expensive...
Another approach people use is chube preamp and transistor or class D powah amp...