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OCG to investigate Chang's allegations

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  • OCG to investigate Chang's allegations

    ..... Now will the JCF investigate the claims of Holiness (sic) that the PNP "tun up" crime?? Clearly a much more serious charge... that needs resolution

    OCG Investigates Riverton Contractors
    Published: Tuesday | February 28, 20120 Comments

    THE OFFICE of the Contractor General (OCG) has launched a formal investigation into questions surrounding the selection of contractors to contain the recent fire at the Riverton landfill.

    At the same time, the Greg Christie-led OCG has requested evidence from Opposition spokesman on housing, water and the environment, Dr Horace Chang regarding allegations linking the recent fire at the Riverton landfill to "political cronyism".

    In a release yesterday, the OCG noted that Chang was quoted in a newspaper article as saying "it is my information that a decision was taken to find contractors who were genetically-linked".

    Based on the allegations made by Chang, the OCG has launched a preliminary enquiry into the contracts which were awarded by the National Solid Waste Management Authority (NSWMA), for works, goods and/or services, in response to the fire at the Riverton landfill.

    Christie has asked Chang to submit the requisite information to his office on or before Friday, March 2, 2012.

    The OCG said the request was being made in light of the gravity of the allegations and in the interest of public transparency and good governance.

    At the same time, Christie wants acting executive director of the NSWMA Rupert Pryce to submit information requested by him to the OCG's offices no later than mid-day on Friday, March 9, 2012.

    Among the information requested by the OCG is a copy of the standard operating manual, "or any such document embodying the procedures which are to be followed with regard to the engagement of contractors, in the event of a landfill fire".

    The OCG added: "If such a document does not exist, please provide an executive summary, outlining the procedures which are to be followed."

    Recognizing the victims of Jamaica's horrendous criminality and exposing the Dummies like Dippy supporting criminals by their deeds.. or their silence.

    D1 - Xposing Dummies since 2007

  • #2
    We still keeping up this foolishness?

    We all know that its not PNP nor JLP responsible for this crime surge. However, only one of them can curb it. Up to end last year it was the JLP. PNP time now.

    The gangs getting "BRIGHT" again and need to feel the weight of a JDF mechanized unit....short term relief while we craft long term solutions.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Willi View Post
      We all know that its not PNP nor JLP responsible for this crime surge.



      • #4
        Yes, really!

        Time fi duppy stories (on both sides) to stop.

        JLP has no influence on Clansman, a major player in the upsurge. Though nominally PNP, the clans ran Heddah outta politics years ago.

        Unno not frickking serious!


        • #5
          but u still think gangs listen to politicians

          especially the teenagers and young adults


          • #6
            Not really. I dont know why you would think that, given all the posts I have made.

            You are in defence mode...I just want progress, by any means necessary!


            NDM dubs Bunting's gang statement as 'stake news and hypocrisy'
            Jamaica Observer
            Tuesday, February 28, 2012

            THE National Democratic Movement (NDM) has scoffed at a recent statement by Security Minister Peter Bunting that the latest crime wave is being caused predominantly by gangs, describing it as stale news and hypocrisy.
            In a release to the media today the NDM said that it is a well established and known fact that approximately 80 per cent of crime in Jamaica emanate from gangs operating from within politically aligned ‘garrison’ communities and expressed disappointment that the government has not been dealing with the matter effectively because it may be too compromised by the gangs in the PNP’s own garrisons.
            "That these PNP gangs are now flexing their muscle as they believe it’s again their time now seems to have escaped Mr Bunting," the release stated.
            "The NDM calls upon the Government and Mr Bunting to show sincerity and seriousness about law, order and the lives of Jamaicans by going after gangs in the PNP’s predominant garrisons. By setting a good example with their own garrisons they could then go after the JLP gangs and ultimately dismantle all gangs and garrisons in Jamaica once and for all," the release added.

            Read more: http://www.jamaicaobserver.com/news/...#ixzz1nhDPX3vr


            • #7
              what you see me defending?

              but u still think gangs listen to politicians

              especially the teenagers and young adults


              • #8
                The fact that you twist yourself into such a contorted opinion about what I think.

                Election done man...governance time now.


                • #9
                  what opinion

                  MI ASK U A QUESTION about the teenager and young adults in the gangs

                  WHY ARE YOU SO "DEFENSIVE "


                  • #10
                    Crime is everybody's problem but who have the authority to do something about it????

                    You can't run fi authority then share your responsiblitiy.
                    • Don't let negative things break you, instead let it be your strength, your reason for growth. Life is for living and I won't spend my life feeling cheated and downtrodden.


                    • #11
                      Yuh slipping? Where yuh see question sign???

                      "but u still think gangs listen to politicians

                      especially the teenagers and young adults"

                      Looks like a straightforward statement to me. Try again.


                      • #12
                        but u still think gangs listen to politicians

                        especially the teenagers and young adults
                        that SOUND like statement to u

                        yuh nuh know tone


                        • #13
                          mine we have fi investigate your tone.

                          • Don't let negative things break you, instead let it be your strength, your reason for growth. Life is for living and I won't spend my life feeling cheated and downtrodden.


                          • #14
                            Yuh can read sound pon intanet?

                            Yuh good bwoy! Not serious...


                            • #15
                              tell the police commissioner nuh LOL

