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Arrant nonsense — JLP lashes Bunting

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  • Arrant nonsense — JLP lashes Bunting

    Arrant nonsense — JLP lashes Bunting
    Says security minister is incapable of handling security portfolio
    Wednesday, February 22, 2012

    THE Opposition Jamaica Labour Party has dubbed Security Minister Peter Bunting's accusation that the party failed to implement a crime policy drafted in 2007 as rubbish. Bunting made the claim during a press briefing at Jamaica House yesterday and drew the ire of the JLP.

    "Minister of National Security Peter Bunting stated that the previous government failed to implement a policy drafted in 2007. The Opposition said that this is arrant nonsense and a poor excuse by Bunting for the present failures," the JLP said in a release.

    Opposition Spokesman on National Security Delroy Chuck, said the National Security Policy of 2007 outlined by former security minister Peter Phillips had eight primary objectives all of which were not only implemented, but improved on by the JLP administration.

    Chuck also argued that the former JLP government outlined new strategies which included:

    Improving the management and capabilities of the Police Force;
    Enacting appropriate legislation; and

    Improving Community Safety and Security as a crime fighting tool.

    "In respect of legislation the draft of the Anti-Gang Legislation was sent to Bunting and other stakeholders in 2011 for examination and comment. No comment was ever received from Bunting or the PNP and they are only now claiming to be examining this important piece of legislation," Chuck said.

    A total of 165 murders have been tallied by the police since January 1 and yesterday Bunting outlined a raft of short and long term measures the state would be implementing to collar crime but the JLP said Bunting's response to the spike in murders and shooting is unacceptable.

    "It is patently clear that the portfolio of National Security is beyond the capabilities of Bunting and that Prime Minister Portia Simpson Miller must immediately re-examine the assignment of this portfolio, as an increase of even one murder or shooting over 2011 is unacceptable to the Jamaican people," the JLP release said.

    Read more: http://www.jamaicaobserver.com/news/...#ixzz1nBWC2mH7


  • #2
    Jackass!!!! From a group that agreed with Idiot Bruce's defence of Dudus.

    They have no moral authority to yap on this. Shut the phuq up!!!!



    • #3

      With all due respect. This whole cass cass is irrelevant.

      It has been gone over ad nauseum.

      What we want are solutions. Bunting was ill advised to make any other reference than what future and current plans are.

      Both Labarite and Sochie whave nuff guilt on their hands and blame to share. However, that not helping the current situation.

      Can we have a modicum of unity to face and defeat the CURRENT problematic situation, rather than the bait and switch distractions? Elections done and gone fi di next 4 years at least!!!!

      People are dying and chaos is rising. Can we as a people get serious and get down to WORK? No more distractions?


      • #4
        Bunting is working. Tell the JLP to support or get the hell out the way! And stop the yapping!



        • #5
          Bunting alone caan do it.

          If him aggo start the blame game, a game he can win, as neither side is faultless, him lose from the start.

          Only cooperation can win out in this war.


          • #6
            Has Bunting outlined a comprehensive strategy to reduce crime?
            Winning means you're willing to go longer, work harder, and give more than anyone else - Vince Lombardi


            • #7
              Mo stop ask fi that now? In Bunting we put our trust.
              • Don't let negative things break you, instead let it be your strength, your reason for growth. Life is for living and I won't spend my life feeling cheated and downtrodden.


              • #8
                How many new crime plans do you want?

                Good question still! He says the paradigm shifter was the TG event of 2010. He feels the targeting of the big man will be another paradigm shifter.

                Well, I hope so! But I would be happy with more police checks and a real effort to go into communities and get the guns!

                BLACK LIVES MATTER


                • #9
                  See below!

                  BLACK LIVES MATTER


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Mosiah View Post
                    Bunting is working. Tell the JLP to support or get the hell out the way! And stop the yapping!

                    LOL!!!!! Hear the cheerleader? Mi notice the silence pon dis ...

                    ""In respect of legislation the draft of the Anti-Gang Legislation was sent to Bunting and other stakeholders in 2011 for examination and comment. No comment was ever received from Bunting or the PNP and they are only now claiming to be examining this important piece of legislation," Chuck said."
                    "Jamaica's future reflects its past, having attained only one per cent annual growth over 30 years whilst neighbours have grown at five per cent." (Article)


                    • #11
                      Him need fo go after di Orange aligned gangs too....top priority, causen if dem get clean up, di green one dem aggo quake!

                      Clansmann outta control and One-ordah is abysmal. The former is orange and the latter green...technically, though dem bigger dan politics now.


                      • #12
                        As I said, they both busy playing politics.

                        Time fi wuk.


                        • #13
                          mi give him a few months to see wha him a deal wid and if a yap him a yap too.

                          Don't expect the JLP to stop yapping and why should they???? Fire hot as I said you either deliver or step.
                          • Don't let negative things break you, instead let it be your strength, your reason for growth. Life is for living and I won't spend my life feeling cheated and downtrodden.


                          • #14
                            Not really worried about the JLP yapping, to be honest. Because that is all it really is. They are a non-entity with their measly seats in parliament and and their ineffective leader. Worst of all, they lack credibility and moral authority to speak on a host of subjects.

                            Solid waste of time!

                            BLACK LIVES MATTER


                            • #15
                              And you act as if yuh not political!

                              How you get this, Willi?? Who said he was going after only the green one dem!?!!?!

                              Is fi him party get rid of Zeeks, memba!

                              BLACK LIVES MATTER

