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Death Postponed: 'I thought I would have been shot'

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  • Death Postponed: 'I thought I would have been shot'

    Wavell Wayne Hinds has two dates firmly etched in his mind — dates that could have yielded different results had luck not been on his side.

    "I went to purchase a meal and after coming out of the vehicle, I decided to return to the vehicle to collect something from it and upon doing that and about to close the door, a car pulled up behind me and then I only heard somebody telling me not to move and instructing me to go back into the vehicle on the passenger side," Hinds said, recounting his ordeal with gunmen who took away his Toyota Land Cruiser Prado sports utility vehicle and robbed him of other items.

    Read more: http://www.jamaicaobserver.com/news/...#ixzz1mpBkUMoR

  • #2

    Originally posted by Skeng D View Post
    "I went to purchase a meal and after coming out of the vehicle, I decided to return to the vehicle to collect something from it and upon doing that and about to close the door, a car pulled up behind me and then I only heard somebody telling me not to move and instructing me to go back into the vehicle on the passenger side," Hinds said, recounting his ordeal with gunmen who took away his Toyota Land Cruiser Prado sports utility vehicle and robbed him of other items.
    I am not sure why you posted this, as there are countless Jamaicans with experiences that are much, much worse than this one!

    Boss, keeping that quote by Maudib makes you appear petty, vindictive and tribalist. Is that the impression you seriously want to convey to us readers? Why don’t you quote a prominent person, instead of a fellow poster whose only “crime” was to present his opinion on this message board?


    • #3
      Why the recurring campaign on this most minor of non-issues??

      Not even Ben has seen it a matter fit upon which to comment.

      What is perhaps instructive is that even the most junior forumite is cognizant of the laughable folly that regularly emanates from Ben's unfortunate computer
      Last edited by Don1; February 19, 2012, 11:23 AM.

      Recognizing the victims of Jamaica's horrendous criminality and exposing the Dummies like Dippy supporting criminals by their deeds.. or their silence.

      D1 - Xposing Dummies since 2007

