COME ON...HELP! A friend sent me a letter highlighting the plight of one of Jamaica's most outstanding athletes of the past who is in great need of assistance, as he battles with advanced age, failing health and meagre resources. Not many of today's young megastars may know the name of George Kerr. If they took the time by looking into the archives of our sports history, they may be surprised to know the quality performance which used to be turned in by the athletes of the past like Mr Kerr, who set some important records and gained honours internationally and locally.
Many of those trailblazers are gone from the scene but the record of their achievements still stand. Sadly, every now and then we come across one or more for whom the later years have brought none of the respect which they once commanded. George Kerr was one of the history makers. His list of victories is impressive. Among his trophies is the first gold in athletics won in our National Stadium, when it opened 50 years ago. In this way, he became the first of the newly Independent Jamaicans to have created history. The list of his medal-winning goes on and on (in the Olympics and other international meets). However, honours alone are not enough. He needs food, medical care and other support.
George Kerr needs help and needs it urgently. He and others of his generation never earned the endorsement fees and the monetary rewards of victory which are commonplace today. This is all the more reason why we must respond to the call to help him and his wife who has devoted her life to his care in the face of great difficulty. We cannot abandon them. Can you imagine what it would mean to the Kerrs if some of our young athletes took an interest in a hero like him? Imagine what even a visit would mean!
A true champion is one who cares for someone else besides self. The government cannot turn away from this call for assistance either. In his 2011 budget presentation, then Prime Minister Bruce Golding promised a Pension Scheme for Retired (and Needy) Athletes to come into fruition this year 2012. As we know, that story has a different ending. It is not too late, however, for today's elected to give thought to ensuring that Kerr and other aged and needy athletes might not suffer hunger and neglect. Who will listen? Who will act? Who will make this George Kerr Day?
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Cuss-cuss or creative action?

a) Please tek dis ova suh - Caribbean Track and Field Forum!
b) List Mr. George Kerr's track accomplishments
c) Organize how we shall contribute!
Tenk yuh!