What question? You speak in parables...shifting the argument by the second... pose a concise question and i will answer it...but first, answer the question posed...you don't answer questions with another question
The shortage of health care workers in Jamaica has nothing to do with an uneducated workforce...you are not up to speed on this topic...come back when yuh prepared
i think we should brace ourselves for these prophets of doom who will be revealing themselves one by one for the next 5 years... just another jlp mouthpiece who is hurt by the outcome of the election...
he hasn't written anything that most people, down to the 'uneducated' don't already know... just the same arrogance being displayed... he thinks only the 'educated class' understands the reality of the global recession and it effects on the jamaican economy... underestimating the 'common' jamaican people again...
jamaicans are used to hardships and can understand the need for belt tightening... the 'poor' understand the bitter medicine as the jlp coined it... the people would rather the dispenser of the 'bitter medicine' to be more empathetic and compassionate... the people shouted, dem nuh TRUST de jlp because they have shown they will dispense POISON under the guise of 'bitter medicine'...
'to get what we've never had, we MUST do what we've never done'
I don't understand your argument at all. X just said he was a scorned Labourite.. I said I didn't know anything of his politics. If you have been following my post-election threads I have grouped all of these suddenly objective or those who change their tunes as Shapeshifters.
I have never commented on the JEEP or followed those discussions seriously. Not worth it.