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Attack On Wisconsin Babylon: 310,000 Pieces Of Paper

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  • Attack On Wisconsin Babylon: 310,000 Pieces Of Paper


    The Wisconsin Government Accountability Board, overseeing the recall elections of Governor Scott Walker, (scumbag) Lieutenant Govetnor Rebecca Kleefisch (whose only qualifications is that she is the wife of a Wisconsin Republican Assemblyman, and four Republican state Senators, reports that as of Friday morning:

    All 18,000 pages of petitions on the four senators have been scanned to a PDF file.

    Work began on scanning the recall petitions of Governor Walker began at 3 pm Wednesday. As of Friday morning, 89,300 of an estimated 152,000 petition pages have been scanned. When that job is done, an estimated 140,000 pages of petitions to recall Kleefisch will be scanned.

  • #2
    power to the people bruce... these reps forget that it is the people they represent...
    'to get what we've never had, we MUST do what we've never done'


    • #3
      The GAB posted information on the webcam late this afternoon.

      58,624 views since Tuesday
      Most viewers at one time 848 at 2:43 pm Friday
      7.2 TRILLION bytes of data sent since Tuesday
      11.3 per cent of viewers watching in HD.

      Then the GAB made a comment about Twitter accounts on the recall:

      "The Government Accountability Board is not affiliated in any way with the Twitter accounts commenting on the recall activities But we are amused."


      • #4
        bruce dem repubs are scared s hitless... they didn't think the people could organize as they did... heard lots of money will be coming to defend the repub agenda...
        'to get what we've never had, we MUST do what we've never done'


        • #5
          Once the ballots are verified, when would they schedule the recall election?
          Winning means you're willing to go longer, work harder, and give more than anyone else - Vince Lombardi


          • #6
            Reply To Baddaz And Hortical

            @Baddaz: Yes, the Republicans are scared shitless. They are already running TV ads touting Walker as the best thing since sliced bread.

            @Hortical: No date has been set. The GAB wants to hold all the recall elections on the same date. There will probably be primaries.

            Two Democrats have already announced they will run. Several heavyweights
            are thinking about running: Tom Barrett, the mayor of Milwaukee who lost to Walker 52-48% in the last election.

            The others include David Obey, a former Congressman; and two or three Democrats in the state legislature.


            • #7
              Ok, so you might not have general elections until Nov 2012?
              Almost another year of that clown in office.
              Winning means you're willing to go longer, work harder, and give more than anyone else - Vince Lombardi

