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Further to the 'FREE EDUCATION' debate

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  • #16
    you seem to know a ting or two... i was very much aware of the happenings... two of my cousins were deeply involved in protests at uwi about the money they would have to pay after seaga issued his directive... it was a take it or leave school proposition, if mi memory serve mi right... a from dem time deh, de jlp really start lose de masses... those same young people are now grown up and still around to vote against them...
    'to get what we've never had, we MUST do what we've never done'


    • #17
      Originally posted by Willi View Post
      How many time I tell you about that right yasso?

      My Dad reminded me about that years ago! It was big news when it happened.
      Saw it live pon JBC-TV!
      ..at that time nun a Joshua speech dem cudda miss mi!
      "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


      • #18
        Originally posted by Baddaz View Post
        what a teng... mi tyad fi tell de 'ignorant' and newcomers tuh jamaican politics de history... mi so appreciate this article, that mi affi print it fi distribution to some ignorant folks...

        greater effort needs to be done by jamaicans to tell the real story of our country... and de pnp needs to do a better job of differentiating itself from the elitists jlp... the evidence is there that it is the pnp who have been on the side of the people and de right side of history from 'saltfish deh pon shingle house'...

        excellent article...
        Wi ave some "core beliefs"! -
        "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


        • #19
          long time karl, long time...
          'to get what we've never had, we MUST do what we've never done'


          • #20
            Originally posted by Jawge View Post
            Karl, there in lies the problem. Andy is also afflicted with this sickness also. What? Underestimating the people's intelligence. They know who really started free education and health care, They know the JLP doesn't really care about them. Andy made a fool of himself in Parliament Tuesday by making the same mistake he made in the debates (which gave PSM an easy victory). What is it? Sticking to script. One may ask why not improvise? He can't because he's not a leader and not the true leader of the party.

            How else can one explain going up against a leader that's enjoying a capital that's only been seen by Joshua in such a long time. Andrew started out his speech correctly by praising Ja's democracy hence drawing cheers from both sides of the aisle. He should have seized this and continue to say if this is will bring the island to together for a new dawn, he is willing to work with it. They call this piggy back marketing (where the small guy sits aside and enjoy the windfall of the marketing from big corps) hence taking some of the capital that's with PSM. He would have caused a stir and have them saying wow this young chap is really new and different. He instead chose to lecture and reprimand. Andrew even went as far as to say his party is waiting in the wings. Are you serious? You don't get it. That was a message sent that your party; that it's not in connection with the people; continue and things will only get worse.

            Andrew is reading from that script (filled with arrogance) which totally ignores the people and only thinks of the party. He came out being same old same old.
            He is same ole,same ole!
            Jus check im record - pan Dudus, og im cling tuh Likle Brucie aftah im get leada a di JLP, cling tuh di cussing an disrespek tuh MamaP...an hon and hon...

            Same ole, Same ole!
            "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


            • #21
              Originally posted by Jawge View Post
              He should have seized this and continue to say if this is will bring the island to together for a new dawn, he is willing to work with it. They call this piggy back marketing (where the small guy sits aside and enjoy the windfall of the marketing from big corps) hence taking some of the capital that's with PSM. He would have caused a stir and have them saying wow this young chap is really new and different.
              that says it all... excellent observation... he negated any lingering perception of being a new and different potential leader...
              'to get what we've never had, we MUST do what we've never done'


              • #22
                JLP really have a problem with arrogance going back at least to the 60s with the Rodney riots. People like Mike Henry and Shaw still come across that way today.
                "‎It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men" - Frederick Douglass


                • #23
                  i-man yuh know much more dan yuh lead on... yow mi memba de uwi riot almost like yessideh... mi was a likkle bwoy an memba mi uncle an him fren dem inna dem dasheika shirt a talk bout black power and rodney a freedom fighter... a dem time deh mi start hear bout uptown people and downtown people... it was hugh shearer who was de leader dem time deh... a dem kind of arrogance and class prejudice de jlp uphold from waay back as mi can remember... dat same arrogance is primarily responsible for jamaica becoming 'pnp' country...
                  'to get what we've never had, we MUST do what we've never done'


                  • #24
                    It unbalanced.

