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Tourism Ministry

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  • Tourism Ministry

    McNeill explains twinning of tourism and entertainment

    Published: Tuesday January 10, 2012 | 9:25 am 0 Comments

    Tourism and Entertainment minister, Dr. Wykeham McNeill, says his ministry will be spearheading the development of a policy for entertainment through an Inter- Ministerial Committee.

    He made the announcement during his first meeting with staff members at the ministry yesterday.

    Dr. McNeill noted that entertainment is spread among several ministries and a policy would seek to ensure that the sector thrives.

    Dr. McNeill also sought to explain the rationale behind the twinning of tourism and entertainment under one ministry.

    He said it is a great time to bring tourism and entertainment together in light of the celebration of Jamaica’s 50th anniversary of independence this year.

    According to him, the move will maximize the country’s exposure and build brand Jamaica.

    Dr. McNeill also noted that it was not new to have tourism and entertainment together, as there was a [COLOR=blue !important][COLOR=blue !important]ministry [COLOR=blue !important]of [/COLOR][COLOR=blue !important]Tourism[/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR], Entertainment and Culture in the previous People's National Party administration.


  • #2
    Is this a better approach?

    Wrong moves

    Published: Tuesday | January 10, 2012 6 Comments

    Lisa Hanna

    THE EDITOR, Sir: To the surprise of many and to the disgust of her critics, Prime Minister Portia Simpson Miller named a sizeable 20-member Cabinet. I think the prime minister missed an early opportunity to demonstrate consistency and to present to the country a leaner team.
    Unlike many of the critics, my concern is not just about size, but about a more strategic, efficient and effective team.
    For instance, it would have been more strategic to have included agriculture, tourism and entertainment under an expanded Ministry of Industry, Investment and Commerce. This would not just eliminate two ministries, but it would give the Government an opportunity to fashion a more comprehensive and integrated industry, investment and commerce strategy that would be buttressed by the linkages in agriculture, tourism and entertainment!
    Why is there a need for a Ministry of Local Government in the context of local government reform? A director general who reports to the prime minister's office should be appointed to drive the process.
    The young and capable Lisa Hanna should have been given a superministry of social development to include the portfolios of youth, sports, culture and community development.
    Notwithstanding my observations, I sincerely pray that the Cabinet will be hard-working, productive, effective, efficient and open and responsive to the needs of the citizens.


    • #3
      BIG government King Jawge?

      A recipe for incubating corruption?


      Princess Nanny P have this thing lock?

      The only time TRUTH will hurt you...is if you ignore it long enough



      • #4
        I think even with the 28 strong exec, she should have had several super-Ministries and a cadre of Jnr ministers supporting underneath. 10 to 12 Cabinet Ministers , 1 or 2 MWP max and the rest MoS.

        The cabinet seems big and unweildy and it precludes some natural synergies that seems to have potential. I also fear people tripping over each other and turf wars...

        Switzerland have 8 million people and only 7 in the cabinet, which does not have ever changing portfolios. The head of state also rotates annually in the cabinet, so no extra expense for a GG or exec president.

        However, she can try it the present way and see how it works out...she may come back to the Super Ministry approach later on. Who knows?

