Brown Man Time?? ...cyaan seh mi neva warn dem
Class Warfare
Published: Friday | January 6, 20120 Comments
by Peter Espeut
We sociologists are trained to analyse society and events using certain paradigms, paying attention to certain particular variables, especially race and class. There are many who would wish to avoid that sort of analysis and to sweep matters like this under the carpet for, depending on how you position yourself, it can be uncomfortable.
Woven into the fabric of Jamaican society are race and class divisions (in Jamaica there is a close connection between the two). Our systems of education and health care, and almost every other facet of Jamaican life, have been constructed on these realities. Some of us take these divisions (and the unequal distribution of economic and social benefits they imply) for granted, and have accepted them as 'normal', especially if we benefit from them because of accidents of birth.
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Class Warfare
Published: Friday | January 6, 20120 Comments
by Peter Espeut
We sociologists are trained to analyse society and events using certain paradigms, paying attention to certain particular variables, especially race and class. There are many who would wish to avoid that sort of analysis and to sweep matters like this under the carpet for, depending on how you position yourself, it can be uncomfortable.
Woven into the fabric of Jamaican society are race and class divisions (in Jamaica there is a close connection between the two). Our systems of education and health care, and almost every other facet of Jamaican life, have been constructed on these realities. Some of us take these divisions (and the unequal distribution of economic and social benefits they imply) for granted, and have accepted them as 'normal', especially if we benefit from them because of accidents of birth.
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