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Western political crisis recalls 1930s..War may be next

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  • Western political crisis recalls 1930s..War may be next

    Insight: West in political crisis has echoes of 1930s
    By Stella Dawson | Reuters –

    (Reuters) - Dysfunctional politics threatens to deliver a protracted period of slow global growth, possibly lasting well beyond 2012, which will only deepen the political and economic problems for the West.

    The global financial crisis that began four years ago has morphed into a political crisis for the United States and Europe. Leaders incapable of wrestling their debt loads to manageable levels or reviving strong economic growth are stoking turmoil in markets and populist unrest among the citizenry.

    The political malaise is also hastening the shift of world economic power toward developing countries led by China. At worst, it could cause a second global recession bringing with it political upheaval on a scale not seen since the 1930s.

    These unpalatable scenarios are being sketched by a growing number of leading political strategists, academics and economists after an extraordinary year when the once unthinkable came to pass: the United States had its credit rating downgraded while the developing world enjoys upgrades; Europe went cap in hand to Beijing for a financial bailout; and Brazil overtook Britain within the G7 club of major economies.

    The shifting international economic order toward developing countries is nothing new. But it has been happening at a faster pace than expected, accelerated by what these analysts have begun describing as Western democracy in crisis.

    Recognizing the victims of Jamaica's horrendous criminality and exposing the Dummies like Dippy supporting criminals by their deeds.. or their silence.

    D1 - Xposing Dummies since 2007

  • #2
    Storm numba one?


    • #3

      Recognizing the victims of Jamaica's horrendous criminality and exposing the Dummies like Dippy supporting criminals by their deeds.. or their silence.

      D1 - Xposing Dummies since 2007


      • #4
        Storm number 2, may be that the Storm in the tea cup gets ignored and the EU then gets another excuse to deny aid money, now that the beeps thing sorted out.

        The Dutch have nuff influence and may not take kindly to sidelining. Plus I feel dem a look any reason fi cut aid and reduce pressure on the purse strings.

        It is going to be ruff for Portia, she better have nuff fortitude and better get all the stakeholders to agree, including the opposition. I am heartened that he seems to be indicating cooperation, as it is not rosy for the country and all hands needed on deck.

        Here is hoping that many dont share our bredrin Karl's attitude from 2007 when he said he could not afford for the JLP govt to succeed. I hope that no layba or independent has that misguided sentiment an that everyone, believer and doubter alike, hope that Portia will succeed beyond our wildest dreams. It is about Jamaica afterall.

        No more nightmares, eff ups and bangarangs. We simply cant afford it.


        • #5
          The thing is now that the holiday season virtually done now and people waking up from the party with hangovers and now we all have to face the New Year and that normally entails higher taxes, higher prices and other reality checks. The problems which accumulated to Dec 31 have not magically gone away.

          In Jamaica, we have a new GOJ that will swear in within days and will have to hustle off to the IMF to hear what dem haffi seh. There will be maybe 1 week of honeymoon maximum.

          Now is the time fi strike while the iron is hot and get peeps to the table fi set the contrak ting. Both Potia and Andrew mek speech bout unity and cooperation and outtameni, etc. Now is the real hour...there wont be many opportunities....


          • #6
            Originally posted by Willi View Post
            Storm number 2, may be that the Storm in the tea cup gets ignored and the EU then gets another excuse to deny aid money, now that the beeps thing sorted out.

            The Dutch have nuff influence and may not take kindly to sidelining. Plus I feel dem a look any reason fi cut aid and reduce pressure on the purse strings.

            It is going to be ruff for Portia, she better have nuff fortitude and better get all the stakeholders to agree, including the opposition. I am heartened that he seems to be indicating cooperation, as it is not rosy for the country and all hands needed on deck.

            Here is hoping that many dont share our bredrin Karl's attitude from 2007 when he said he could not afford for the JLP govt to succeed. I hope that no layba or independent has that misguided sentiment an that everyone, believer and doubter alike, hope that Portia will succeed beyond our wildest dreams. It is about Jamaica afterall.

            No more nightmares, eff ups and bangarangs. We simply cant afford it.
            Agreed on all counts... except

            ... I'm sure Karl's words were misconstrued
            Last edited by Don1; January 1, 2012, 07:55 PM.

            Recognizing the victims of Jamaica's horrendous criminality and exposing the Dummies like Dippy supporting criminals by their deeds.. or their silence.

            D1 - Xposing Dummies since 2007


            • #7
              Originally posted by Willi View Post
              The thing is now that the holiday season virtually done now and people waking up from the party with hangovers and now we all have to face the New Year and that normally entails higher taxes, higher prices and other reality checks. The problems which accumulated to Dec 31 have not magically gone away.

              In Jamaica, we have a new GOJ that will swear in within days and will have to hustle off to the IMF to hear what dem haffi seh. There will be maybe 1 week of honeymoon maximum.

              Now is the time fi strike while the iron is hot and get peeps to the table fi set the contrak ting. Both Potia and Andrew mek speech bout unity and cooperation and outtameni, etc. Now is the real hour...there wont be many opportunities....

              The entire 2012 may be the Mother of Hangovers... unless the powers that be come together to do things differently. By now even the most blind & tribally blinkered sycophants MUST SEE that playing the Game the same way is just leading to Perdition...not Progress.... A concept I've been evangelizing here from Jump Street.

              With a newly critical & aware population, a new & weak JLP leader...and a "re-newed" Portia hopefully more mature and looking for her place in history...maybe we have a shot to do things differently

              I am skeptical but let's see.... the first 2 months will tell a whole lot about where we're going...the same old shiit ar sitten else

              Recognizing the victims of Jamaica's horrendous criminality and exposing the Dummies like Dippy supporting criminals by their deeds.. or their silence.

              D1 - Xposing Dummies since 2007

