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Don1, Mo, Karl & Exile PNP won...

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  • Don1, Mo, Karl & Exile PNP won...

    Going forward I don't want to hear the PNP elected ones tracing what the Jlp mashup or did not do.

    I want to hear what they are going to do short and long term plans.


    Electricity is killing poor and rich alike, I understand that the Government own piece of JPS, do something radical.

    Light Rail for Kingston and Portmore.

    Design National Roads/Streets build specifications.

    Create small inner cities/towns Family Parks.

    Release Small Star up Funds for Manufacturing.

    Streamline Bureaucracy for Government Information.

    Solutions for Agriculture products thieves.

    Solutions as to how Tourist can move freely in Jamaica as the do in the Bahamas, Singapore, New York...

    I am sure you all can expand this list without mentioning 18 and 5 years garbage...looking forward for positive responses.

  • #2
    Those are interesting items...but.. juss one more ting


    Recognizing the victims of Jamaica's horrendous criminality and exposing the Dummies like Dippy supporting criminals by their deeds.. or their silence.

    D1 - Xposing Dummies since 2007


    • #3
      Interesting that you include Don2 in this group...even more interesting is the lack of protest on his part...


      • #4
        I hope you get your wishes....also you have never seen me on this site cussing 18 years or 5 years or whatever. On your points:Electricity is killing poor and rich alike, I understand that the Government own piece of JPS, do something radical.

        Light Rail for Kingston and Portmore - this is a major infrastructural development that will COST money....don't know if that's possible now...may be necessary. Maybe a cheaper option is to improve or implement a Public Bus Service (with Pvt sector involvment) that can shuttle larger numbers to the major hubs - downtown, 3 mile, crossroads, half way tree, Papine etc.

        Design National Roads/Streets build specifications. I'm sure there are existing standards but needs implementation. Inspection body maybe shld include Bureau of Standards...having the road fixers and road examiners too close creates problems...

        Create small inner cities/towns Family Parks. This seems to be the way of future developments and the concept has been in Jamaica for some time - Tivoli - but lost it's way. More complete developments are necessary with associated schools, health centres, sporting facilities and shopping centres...I noticed even large gov. housing are just huge ghettos in the making...We have to look at use of solar and alternative energy systems to create sustainable communities...

        Release Small Start up Funds for Manufacturing Start-up funds needed for SME's - not only manufacturing. Is this money already available to realease?

        Streamline Bureaucracy for Government Information. Totally agreed. A process of decentralizing of some of these activities needs to be reactivated. Some people like the idea of a 'One-stop-shop" for business start-ups and certainly for information related to decreasing the red tape. Some of the Executive Agencies have worked.

        Solutions for Agriculture products thieves. A perennial problem but so widespread will be hard to control. Have to get some proper labelling, receipt systems and cycle of custody to track farmer's products...will be difficult...also must have stiffer penalties for agric thieves and buyers of stolen product.

        Solutions as to how Tourist can move freely in Jamaica as the do in the Bahamas, Singapore, New York...This is really a CRIME problem as well as the harassment issues. Education, training and opportunities have to created and structured....also has to do with how we 'market' our goods...push yam inna people face etc.

        Lastly, since I'm not a part of the government I can only look and hope...just like you.
        Last edited by Exile; December 31, 2011, 08:11 PM.


        • #5
          what would be the reason to protest pray tell?...those gentlemen appear to be solid citizens to me

          I'm just overjoyed that you're not on the same list as I

          Recognizing the victims of Jamaica's horrendous criminality and exposing the Dummies like Dippy supporting criminals by their deeds.. or their silence.

          D1 - Xposing Dummies since 2007


          • #6
            I yuh can't get out of that mold eh? Happy New Year, hope for raising the level.


            • #7
              Good chat, sah!
              ...can also most certainly be used as basis for build out into other areas/development of other supporting projects, etc., etc.
              "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."

