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It's Portia!

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  • It's Portia!

    It's Portia! - PNP delivers crushing 41-22 seat defeat to JLP

    THE People’s National Party (PNP) sent the Jamaica Labour Party (JLP) back into Opposition after scoring a crushing 41-22-seat victory in yesterday’s 16th general election that pollsters and analysts had said was mostly too close to call. ...more

    Read more: http://www.jamaicaobserver.com/#ixzz1i1fkvPgq
    "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."

  • #2
    Instructive! ...as I have always said your words speak more

    to you - character, position on issues, current thoughts, etc. than of any other topic you may be addressing.


    Two(? or more than two???) of the speakers below give - deliberately or inadvertently? - voice to JLP failures.

    Sector leaders hail PNP win

    BY CONRAD HAMILTON Observer senior reporter hamiltonc@jamaicaobserver.com
    Friday, December 30, 2011

    THE country's sector leaders last night poured congratulatory messages on the Portia Simpson Miller-led People's National Party (PNP).

    President of the Jamaica Exporters' Association (JEA) Vitus Evans expressed surprise at the margin but was optimistic that the association will be able to work with the new administration to boost the country's export sector.

    Newly-elected MP Damion Crawford celebrates with PNP president Portia Simpson Miller and party chairman Robert Pickersgill last night. (Photo: Brian Cummings)

    SAMUDA… the Chamber of Commerce will work with the Government

    The optimism, he said, was buoyed by recent utterances by Prime Minister-Elect Portia Simpson Miller, who in her capacity as Opposition leader and president of the PNP, attended a recent function of the exporters and promised that the export sector was high on the party's agenda.

    "We actually met with her two weeks ago where we asked her to actually outline what would be the vision for export and I was happy that she actually did mention that a PNP administration would actually ensure that the national export strategy is actually implemented," said Evans, who indicated that outgoing prime minister and leader of the Jamaica Labour Party (JLP) Andrew Holness was unable to take up the association's invitation.

    President of the Jamaica Manufacturers' Association (JMA) Brian Pengelley also congratulated the PNP on its win, while extending his congratulatory message to the JLP on what he described as a well conducted campaign. "I think it's a transition for Jamaica; congratulations to the people of Jamaica, as well, for what has been done," Pengelley said.

    Pengelley said the JMA had a history of working with either party in driving manufacturing in Jamaica. "We had excellent relationships with the PNP when they were in government and we look forward to working together with them to drive the productive sector in Jamaica and get this country moving again," he added.

    Milton Samuda, the president of the Jamaica Chamber of Commerce (JCC), in extending congratulations to Simpson Miller, commented on her strength of character. "There is something special about Mrs Simpson Miller because in my lifetime the only other politician who has received the direct personal onslaught would be Edward Seaga, and he didn't survive it. For her to not only survive it but to return and triumph, I think requires study," he said. "There can be no mistaking the voice of the people and the Chamber of Commerce will work with the Government, especially on the growth agenda to ensure that the climate is created for growth," he said.

    Read more: http://www.jamaicaobserver.com/news/...#ixzz1i1hfEU5O
    "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."

