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She naw read nutten...unnu look good...

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  • She naw read nutten...unnu look good...

    ...dem mussi all want sleep....

  • #2
    You remember "Play di Music?" Audley Sahw gwine go mad. A now she gwine jump like Leggo Beast.
    "Jah Jah see dem a come, but I & I a Conqueror!"


    • #3
      Cho don't even fall for the bigotry. The people have spoken. Loud and clear too.


      • #4
        and dem seh de woman cannot speak... and only can read from notes... lol... what a damn lie dem build only fi it fi drop dung pon dem...they tried to put portia in a box and she worked to show her versatility and fluidity...
        'to get what we've never had, we MUST do what we've never done'


        • #5
          She gave a good speech. Very controlled, encouraging and all-encompassing....I really hope she can motivate Jamaicans forward....


          • #6
            She has always proven herself to be very capable. Why we have some people who claim to have a certain level of maturity talk crap...and actually believe that crap...about her not having a grasp of the complex problems facing our country...I just cannot understand????

            Well she has her work cut out for her. As I said...have been saying Jamaica has been poised for 'take off' for many, many years...it is up to her to get us on the 'runway and airborne'.

            We shall see, what we shall see!!!!

            Portia mi seh!!!!
            Last edited by Karl; December 30, 2011, 01:02 AM.
            "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


            • #7
              She can't do it alone...will need bi-partisan approach to get everyone on board.


              • #8
                Karl, the PNP may have won but Portia aint leading us to the promised land. I hope she does well but there are many more turns coming up. Big challenges, more intrige, other leadership changes. Fasten your seat belt. Jamaica has a long difficult road ahead.
                "Jah Jah see dem a come, but I & I a Conqueror!"


                • #9
                  ...that she must!

                  ...but still, nuh shi mus si dat - (have the intelligence to recognize what is needed - and skill to lead) - an kaul-up haul di necessary paa-ties (people, coordinate public/private working groups)?

                  Yes sah, wi wi si, wah wi wi si!
                  "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


                  • #10
                    jamaica has a long and difficult road ahead REGARDLESS of which party was leading... the difference is how and at whose expense the road gets navigated...
                    'to get what we've never had, we MUST do what we've never done'


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Westman View Post
                      Karl, the PNP may have won but Portia aint leading us to the promised land. I hope she does well but there are many more turns coming up. Big challenges, more intrige, other leadership changes. Fasten your seat belt. Jamaica has a long difficult road ahead.
                      ...an iffen a nuh Portia den-a who?

                      Busta, Norman, Sangster, Shearer, Michael, Seaga, PJ and Andrew has not led us to the promise land...Portia on her first run as has Andrew on his cameo, not had a fair shot.

                      Fact is, all the men failed us...badly!!!
                      Let us see what this lady - with no 'head in the clouds' ...large ego...stupid belief in being able to do all things...but highly competent individual - can do!!!! I believe she can 'do it'...and shall if given the support!

                      Portia! ...mi seh!!!!
                      "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


                      • #12
                        Thanks. The people has spoken though.


                        • #13
                          ...still say there is a third way...we do not have to just spend wantonly...or fire indiscriminately as in the '80s under Seaga. We can slow rate of growth of deficit and increase production in a manner whereby that JLP path of throwing people on the streets (==increase numbers living in poverty) does not occur.

                          Fact is, I think we need to spend more - roads, water, reliable electricity supply...increase productivity/production...exports/value added manufacture/increased tourism earnings, etc., etc.

                          ...such that there is even increased employment levels - government and private sector...

                          ...and convergence of amounts on spending and earnings...

                          Surely we can better manage money spent on roads, water supply systems, etc. - on building out and maintenance? Damn if we were properly managing those monies spent on our roads the entire island would have already had a great arterial road system, water supply system and power supply. ...rather than the silly rebuilding of the same "i mile of road" after each rain...if having to rebuild that '1 mile of road' even before the first rain...and the same damn thing happens with water/sewage plans, our power systems/grids... What is the damn point of doing such a poor job that we keep 'working on the same spot' year after year...spending ever increasing sums to not advance one step?

                          Portia cannot lead the charge on improved mangement of say, building codes and controled development of or 'tearing down' and rebuilding MoBay, Kingston, other towns and cities 'block by block' to modernize and create attractive efficient villages, towns, cities...places that so improved and managed create greater economic activities?

                          ...controled development of the entire island - including explansion of existing industries and introduction of new?

                          ...develop linkages --- e.g. agriculture with integrated self-sufficiency and exports - raw material or value-added products? ..at the very least in some areas and laying the ground-work for 'copying' in other areas?

                          We can do better...and if it means putting in systems whereby the contractors are held accountable, then so be it. All our male leaders have failed us here...

                          Portia cannot do better than their failures?

                          ...arrange government to government...or our government ministries with external institutions and bodies to recruit our (excess) tertiary graduates...year over year...????? ...so that we have 100% of our needs met and 100% excess being gainfully employed elsewhere?

                          Portia cannot attack those issues? ...and on and on... and on... Portia cannot do better than those failed men???
                          "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


                          • #14
                            agree karl... portia deserves a fair chance... many of us were too quik to write her off (self included)... andrew's appointment made me do a double on portia... it was the first time i looked at her independently, without influence from others...
                            'to get what we've never had, we MUST do what we've never done'


                            • #15
                              Welcome home; you have a leader that isn't afraid to make tough calls. A brave and strong leader. Nuh worry, she can walk in any fire. You are in good hands.

